A guide to support introduction of a new product in country

Children have been left behind when it comes to introduction of new medicines or even diagnostics for better clinical management and improved prognoses for children. It has been suggested that pharmaceutical companies are reluctant to study new drugs and formulations in children due to financial, regulatory, and ethical complexities as well as operational challenges a. This is despite most regulatory bodies requiring all relevant drugs to be studied in children. The Pediatric Research Equity Act (PREA) launched in 2003 in the US and the European Paediatric Regulation (EPR) launched in 2006 have made paediatric drug development mandatory b,c.

The Global Accelerator for Paediatric Formulations (GAP-f) network was established by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to address the paediatric treatment gapd. The collaboration platform works across different sectors developing a prioritization framework for optimal drugs/formulations for children and helps across the entire lifecycle of a new drug/formulation introduction for children from clinical trial design, implementation, evaluation, regulation, adoption, procurement, rollout, and monitoring of the impact.

Process of Adoption of a New Product

Prior to the introduction of a new product in the country, there needs to be a process of evaluation and agreement that the product is needed. CHAI has put together a valuable ‘5’ lenses approach to assist in the decision-making process:

  1. Patient Level
    • Clinical benefit
    • Convenience
  2. Program Level
    • Cost
    • Availability
    • Program complexity

International disease management guidelines, regulatory approvals, clinical trial data, WHO prequalification are critical in the decision-making process.

Evaluating the benefits of the new product in comparison to existing standard of care of treatment in the country in terms of prognosis, side effects, type of formulation, adherence to treatment and quality of life is most important.

If the new product is superior to the current standard of care, long term benefits vs. cost of the medication should be reviewed. In spite of the cost of the new product, if the benefits in terms of disease prognosis, quality of life and mortality outweigh current standard of care, a rights based approach should be used whereby LMICs should be supported to develop a phased transition plan and opportunities to reduce the cost through generic manufacturers and pooled procurement should be explored so that any child who needs the new product should be able to access it.

Why an 'Agnostic' Toolkit?

While a few excellent toolkits are available for specific diseases e.g. CHAI’s ‘New HIV drug introduction toolkit’, there is no generic toolkit that can be adapted for any disease for introduction of new products in childrene.

Introduction of a new product requires significant investments in advocacy, engagement and planning which includes logistic, financial, monitoring and evaluation.

The purpose of this disease agnostic toolkit is to support the countries and interested stakeholders to develop an implementation plan for introducing a new product for children in their country so that it can be financially viable, sustainable, and readily accessible to all those who need it.


It is meant to serve as a guide for the GAP-f partner network, ministry of health, health care advocates, civil society, non-governmental organisations, donor agencies and implementers with key recommendations/steps that could be adjusted as per the country requirements.

When To Use The Toolkit?

The toolkit comes in once the product has been approved by WHO/Stringent regulatory authority (SRAs) for global use and is included in the global recommendations for treatment or diagnosis of the disease in children.

It assumes that paediatric indications, dosing guidance and safety data for use in children will be available.

How The Toolkit Should Be Used?

The resources in this “agnostic” toolkit should be used to develop a product specific rollout plan. Elements of that plan could include:

  • Disease specific burden in country (age group/gender); prognosis; treatment options etc.
  • Product specific: Classification; safety and efficacy; FDA/EMEA/SRA/NDRA approval with any specific clauses for children – weight bands and age groups.
  • Product specific tools for each step of the rollout developed from the resources provided.
  • Any specific country nuances.

A Living Document

We envisage this evolving as additional tools and resources become available and propose it will be a living document that can be updated. The toolkit defines a series of steps which can be initiated concurrently or consecutively as felt appropriate by the country leadership and team.

Proposed Steps

  1. Community and other Stakeholder Engagement
  2. In Country Registration
  3. Revision of National Guidelines
  4. Planning and Budgeting
  5. Quantification
  6. Procurement and Supply Chain
  7. Health care provider capacitation
  8. Demand Creation
  9. Pharmacovigilance
  10. Tracking and Impact
graphic of capacitation


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Chapter 1: Community and Other Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement is an essential part of the approval and regulatory process in country and could be started even prior to the regulatory process. Engagement of political leadership, civil society, technical experts, program managers, donors and the community can provide the much-needed momentum for paediatric products to get approval.

In many chronic diseases affecting children, there are unacceptable delays of up to 7-10 years from approval of medications for adults to approval of the same medication for children. This has resulted in some clinicians needing to resort to off label use for lifesaving conditions.

1.1.1 Objective of the Engagement

There needs to be clear stated objective/s for the engagement. This would include increasing awareness and creating advocacy for the new product; adoption of the new product in the national management guidelines; rollout and possible funding opportunities to support the country to procure the product, train the health care providers, support the transition to the new product, etc.

1.1.2 Community Engagement

Parents, caregivers, and patients themselves are strong advocates for better medicines and management for their illness. Hoos et al. have outlined in their comprehensive overview on partnering with patients in the development of medicines that we need to move from ‘engagement’ to ‘involvement’ of patients, caregivers and patients as their involvement can streamline drug development globally and approvals in country, ensure the time taken from regulatory approval to registration is shortened, create demand, and inform on the post marketing surveillancea.

Involving communities early in the discussions for a new product introduction is essential. In most countries, patients, parents, caregivers, and patient advocacy groups are pro-active and engaged in finding better management options for their disease. Amongst the communities, it is also important to engage community and traditional leaders who have influence over the community. It will help to increase awareness on the new product as well as validate the use.

graphic of capacitation

Amongst the communities, it is also important to engage community and traditional leaders who have influence over the community. It will help to increase awareness on the new product as well as validate the use.

1.1.3 Mapping of Stakeholders

For each product under consideration, before starting with stakeholder engagement, there is a need map out the interested parties. These could include relevant colleagues from:

  • Ministry of Health
  • Clinical specialists
  • Health care institutions- clinics and hospitals
  • Health care researchers and academic institutions
  • Technical working groups
  • Professional associations
  • Health care industry representatives
  • Health policy makers
  • Funders
  • Community advisory boards
  • Patients, parents, caregivers, patient advocacy organisations

1.1.4 Stakeholder engagement plan

A stakeholder engagement plan will help identify priorities for each stakeholder to support advocacy, adoption, and demand generation for the new product.

1.1.5 Process of engagement

The process should include informing the stakeholders, consulting with them on the next steps and ascertaining that the new product is needed, involving them in the decisions and collaborating with them to ensure the process is sustainable. The engagement could be broken down by groups of stakeholders where the discussion could vary from being very technical to semi-technical.

The key points to note regardless of the group being engaged is to use the same process, be inclusive, maintain good communication, transparency, be respectful of priorities and expectation of outcomes. This will help the continued engagement and feedback post registration and usage of the new product for post market surveillance.

graphic of capacitation

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1.1.6 References

Tool Description
A stakeholder engagement method navigator webtool for clinical and translational science The Stakeholder engagement navigator tool is a web based interactive and user centred tool which educates and guides investigators to select the most appropriate engagement method for their study. It uses various criteria including purpose of engagement, budget, time per stakeholder engagement and number of interactions. Purpose of engagement was ranked the highest. It is useful for researchers to identify the best method to engage stakeholders for clinical and translational research. The tool is available at DICEMethods.org.Kwan BM, Ytell K, Coors M, DeCamp M, Morse B, Ressalam J, Reno JE, Himber M, Maertens J, Wearner R, Gordon K, Wynia MK. A stakeholder engagement method navigator webtool for clinical and translational science. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021 Sep 13;5(1):e180. doi: 10.1017/cts.2021.850. PMID: 34849255; PMCID: PMC8596067.
CHAI Stakeholder Mapping for Treatment Optimization - 2017 This is a mapping tool which helps to categorise stakeholders in terms of type of engagement- advocacy, policy, adoption, planning, etc. It also has a Gantt chart which can help to plot the timeline of engagement and the number of interactions.
ITPC ACT (Advocacy for Community Treatment) Toolkit 2.0. - Strengthening Community responses to HIV treatment and Prevention The purpose of the Advocacy Community treatment toolkit is to train and engage community activists and other key stakeholders for advocating for equitable access to antiretroviral therapy for all populations including key populations. This tool could be used as a template or guide to develop advocacy for neglected and orphan diseases.
Minimum Quality Standards and Indicators for Community Engagement - UNICEF This is a good document to use for a rights-based approach to community engagement. There is a useful checklist to adopt for community engagement (Page 51-60).
Community Engagement Toolkit - University of North Dakota, Center for Rural Health This toolkit describes the process of engaging a community, laying out first that the user needs to understand that every community is different, and the responses may vary. It has five modules starting with finding a common mission, defining the problem, planning, implementation and evaluation and sustainability of the change. It also includes worksheets and activities, e.g., how to develop a sustainability plan with the community.

Chapter 2: In Country Registration

To enable a product to be available and accessible for clinical management of a disease, it needs to be registered by the national regulatory authority (NRA) in the country. Each NRA has their own requirements in terms of forms and supporting documentation that needs to be appropriately filled and submitted. However, in some low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the national capacity to perform this function is not there in terms of human resources, this results in some depending on the stringent regulatory authority (SRA) to perform this function a,b.

2.1.1 Stringent Regulatory Authority

The national regulatory authorities that participated in the International Conference on Harmonization of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use (ICH) until 2015 are considered Stringent regulatory authorities by the Global Fund and WHO. These are considered to apply stringent standards for quality, safety and efficacy during their regulatory review of drugs and vaccines for marketing authorizationc.

2.1.2 Collaborative Registration Procedure

WHO introduced a collaborative procedure (CRP) for accelerating registration of prequalified finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs) in 2013 through information sharing between the WHO prequalification and the National regulatory authoritiesd. Countries could speed up registration of products in country by utilizing some of the assessments and inspection outputs already produced by WHOd.

In 2016, this was revised to include products that had been approved by an SRA, after a successful pilot study conducted in 2014 to allow confidential sharing of a detailed assessment of the product by an SRA with the NRA. It was found to reduce the time taken for approval in the country, promote collaboration, allow regulatory convergence and build capacity in the countryc. An evaluation of the SRA CRP conducted by WHO and European Medicines Agency (EMA), found that since its establishment in 2015, 59 approvals were granted to 16 medicines in 23 countries through this processe. This reaffirmed that the SRA CRP was producing the results needed in terms of quicker timelines for approval of medications in countries, however the recommendation was to further improve the collaboration between the regulatory authorities, expand the usage of the procedure and provide guidance on management of post-approval changesec.

2.1.3 Pre-requisites for the registration of a new productb

  • The pharmaceutical manufacturer needs to have filed a dossier with the National Drug regulatory authority.
  • Clinical trial data on safety, efficacy, dosing for drugs/formulation (age/sex bands)
  • FDA/EMEA/SRA approval
  • Inclusion in WHO/other global guidance for management
  • WHO pre-qualification
  • CPP- Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product issued by a country’s regulatory authority at the request of a product owner or sponsor to support the registration process of a pharmaceutical product of another regulatory authority (speeds up the process).
  • Product sample
  • Manufacturer dossier on quality assurance for each raw product and capacity to meet demand.
  • Fees

Generally, for a donor agency to be able to support procurement of a product in country, it needs to have WHO pre-qualification and have FDA/EMEA/SRA approval. Despite the submission of the above, the MOH and other stakeholders need to check in to ensure any bottlenecks are addressed in a timely manner otherwise the process can be delayed leading to children not being able to access the treatment on time.

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2.1.4 References

Tool Description
HIV New Product Introduction Toolkit - CHAI Guidance for stakeholders on introduction of a new HIV medication/formulation in country, outlines the key steps in detail for registration and has a defined checklist to monitor and support the MoH and stakeholders when a product introduction is delayed.
Registration of a new pharmaceutical product This is a mapping tool which helps to categorise stakeholders in terms of type of engagement- advocacy, policy, adoption, planning, etc. It also has a Gantt chart which can help to plot the timeline of engagement and the number of interactions.
Global fund quality assurance policy for pharmaceutical products Useful resource to support quality assurance of the product being registered. It includes guidance for in country monitoring of quality assurance of pharmaceutical products as well as assessing laboratory proficiency to do quality control of pharmaceutical products.
WHO Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) for evaluation of national regulatory systems of medical products, revision VI. Geneva - WHO 2021 The GBT helps to categorise the maturity level of the country regulatory system from 1 to 4, 1 having some elements of a regulatory system and 4 being at the highest level of performance and continuous improvement. The tool has several sub indicators with descriptions on what is expected to consider achievement which helps to guide the assessor in their evaluation. The tool and the methods used helps WHO, the assessors and the country to identify areas that need strengthening and improvement and help to develop an institutional development plan (IDP) to address the gaps and build on their strengths and is useful for monitoring progress.
Community Engagement Toolkit - University of North Dakota, Center for Rural Health This toolkit describes the process of engaging a community, laying out first that the user needs to understand that every community is different, and the responses may vary. It has five modules starting with finding a common mission, defining the problem, planning, implementation and evaluation and sustainability of the change. It also includes worksheets and activities, e.g., how to develop a sustainability plan with the community.

Chapter 3: Revision of National Clinical Management Guidelines

To validate the usage of a new product in country, the product needs to be included in the national clinical management guidelines for the disease. This needs to be done in collaboration with the MoH, specified program and technical specialists, academia, researchers and civil society.

A thorough review of current guidelines needs to be undertaken before a revision is undertaken to understand the specific areas needing to be revised. There are various tools to support the development and assessment of clinical practice guidelines. Vlayen et al. did a systematic review of twenty four appraisal tools that they found in literature and found that none of the tools scored the evidence on which the clinical content of the guidelines were baseda. The Cluzeau’s ‘Appraisal Instrument’ on which the ‘AGREE’ tool was based is the only one which was validateda.

graphic of Process of revision of guidelines

3.1.1 Planning

The decision-making process should be inclusive with the Ministry of Health inviting participation of stakeholders representing the community, technical specialists, program managers, implementing partners, non-governmental organisations working in the field, academia and researchers to agree on the process.

There needs to be agreement on the following:

  • Chair of the guidelines committee needs to be elected
  • Scope of the revision of the guidelines
    • Adoption of new product as per global recommendations
    • If the national guidelines for the clinical management of the disease is to be revised or a circular with the revised recommendation will be issued
    • Agreement on style and format of the guidelines
  • Budget for revision, training, and dissemination of new guidelines
  • Revision of essential drugs list as applicable

3.1.2 Process of revision

A writing committee should be formed through representatives from the stakeholders. The process followed can include:

  • Formulation of review questions
  • Identify and review the evidence
    • Review of the literature on the new product which includes clinical trial data and any experience from other countries
    • FDA/EMEA/SRA approval, check for any clauses
    • WHO and other global recommendations
    • Comparison with current treatment: benefits, side-effects, palatability, adherence, resistance profile etc.
    • Quality of the data
  • Review current national guidelines to identify areas that need to be updated; once a review is undertaken, the guideline should be reviewed in entirety, so that if other areas need to be updated, that could be also done.
  • Develop recommendations
    • Alignment with National Strategic plan
    • Clinical guidelines for implementation
    • Cost effectiveness of new treatment
    • Research recommendations (expansion of evidence database)
    • Monitoring and evaluation plan
  • The revised guidelines are then sent for comments to the various academic institutions, technical working groups, civil society and patient advocacy groups, implementers, and funders for comments.
  • Alternatively, if a circular is being issued, the wording and phrasing of the circular should be reviewed by the team to ensure that there is no ambiguity in the understanding
  • Revisions or clarifications are made as per the review to ensure that the guideline or circular developed is clear and in keeping with the global guidance
  • Final version of the guideline is prepared and sent for the authorizing signature/s.
  • Launch the guideline
  • Plan a schedule for next review and update

3.1.3 Training and Dissemination

Discuss the timing of the training, logistics, budget and the dissemination process- the information, education, and communication (IEC) material that needs to be developed. Responsibility for the training and development of materials needs to be laid out.

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4.1.4 References

Tool Description
Clinical Practice Guideline Appraisal Tools (Annex C) ‘Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust’ discusses the quality of the Clinical practice guideline development process and the need to establish standards. It suggests eight standards for adoption to develop trustworthy guidelines “highlighting transparency; management of conflict of interest; systematic review--guideline development intersection; establishing evidence foundations for and rating strength of guideline recommendations; articulation of recommendations; external review; and updating.” The book has a list of tools in Annex C which include a provisional instrument for assessing clinical practice guidelines; Appraisal of guidelines for research and evaluation (AGREE); AGREE II (Updated version of AGREE); Cluzeau’s “Appraisal Instrument”; Hayward et al.’s “Structured Abstracts of CPGs”; and Shaneyfelt’s “Methodological Standards”.
Treatment guidelines and formulary manuals A great resource for development and revision of guidelines, takes the reader step by step through the process of formulation of the guidelines as well as the essential drug list. Discusses the importance of regular review and update of guidelines and standardizing them. The authors also discuss cost benefit ratios.
The AGREE II Instrument AGREE II (Appraisal of Guidelines, Research and Evaluation) instrument was developed to help to standardize guidelines. It evaluates the “methodological rigour and transparency” of the guideline development process. It assesses the quality of the guidelines, provides the strategy for the development of the guidelines and informs what needs to be included and how it should be reported in the guidelines.
Developing HIV/AIDS treatment guidelines - UNAIDS This is a UNAIDS tool which guides the reader on the appraisal and development of treatment guidelines targeted specifically to HIV/AIDS. It also identifies gaps in the guidelines that were in circulation which is quite useful for the reader to use to improve the guidelines for their country.
WHO Handbook for Guideline Development - WHO This handbook was developed by WHO and helps to guide the reader on the planning, development, and publication of WHO guidelines. It includes the method, process, and procedure for development of a WHO guideline meeting WHO standards

Chapter 4: Planning and Budgeting

In preparation for the rollout of the new product, a transition/implementation plan needs to be developed.

The Implementation Plan needs to specify the following:

  • Priority population groups for the rollout
  • If the transition would be phased with an estimated time frame
  • Estimated volume of product with associated budget by year
  • Source of financing
    • MoH meeting with treasury on the required budget
    • Cost-benefit ratio
    • Alternative source of financing (donors, patient interest groups, philanthropic organisations etc.)

4.1.1 Prioritisation Matrix and Transition plan

There may be current products in use for the clinical management of the disease. To limit wastage of resources, most LMICs prefer to use what is currently available unless the old product is ineffective.

Depending on the status and stock of the old product, and budget available, program managers will work with the technical specialists, technical working group and MoH officials to develop a prioritisation matrix highlighting patients/population groups who would have access to the new product first followed by the others with an associated time frame by which all patients will have access to the new product.The plan would include planned coverage of the patients by the new product by quarter and year.

graphic of Implementation-plan

4.1.2 Budget

Volume of the new product needed by quarter and year needs to be estimated considering the planned coverage, disease burden and incidence of the disease.

An estimated annual budget is then calculated for the time frame of the transition.

4.1.3 Financing

MoH needs to meet with the Treasury to discuss the budget needed. They need to communicate the following:

  • Advantages of the new product
  • Cost-benefit ratio (consider in the long term)
  • Difference in costs between the old and new product
  • Associated reduced morbidity and mortality
  • Reduced cost to the government due to reduced hospitalisation and disability adjusted life year (DALYs)

The treasury will have to advise the MoH if the transition to the new product is possible in the current financial year or if provision needs to be made to apply for funding through other sources e.g., donors- PEPFAR, Global Fund etc., other governments, philanthropic organisations, non-governmental organisations, disease advocacy groups, etc.

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4.1.4 References

  • a. Gupta A, Juneja S, Vitoria M, Habiyambere V, Nguimfack BD, Doherty M, Low-Beer D. Projected Uptake of New Antiretroviral (ARV) Medicines in Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Forecast Analysis 2015-2025. PLoS One. 2016 Oct 13;11(10):e0164619. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164619. PMID: 27736953; PMCID: PMC5063297.
  • b. Wettermark, Bjorn & Persson, Marie & Wilking, Nils & Kalin, Mats & Korkmaz, Seher & Hjemdahl, Paul & Godman, Brian & Petzold, Max & Gustafsson, Lars. (2010). Forecasting drug use and expenditures in a metropolitan health region. BMC health services research. 10. 128. 10.1186/1472-6963-10-128.
    Tool Description
    CHAI Pediatric ARV Forecasting Simple Tool This is a simple but useful Excel based tool for forecasting quantity of ARVs needed calculation of cost as well of the transition over a period of three years. There is a paediatric and an adult version of the tool.
    ANNEX 9 “How-to” guide for forecasting drugs needs and tools for quantification and forecasting. Companion Handbook to the WHO Guidelines for the Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014. A step-by-step guide for National Tuberculosis (TB) control programs to accurately estimate and forecast the volume of medication needed. It also discusses coordination with the public health facilities, national warehouses as well as procurement units to prevent stock outs and facilitate treatment delivery.
    Quantification and Budgeting for Rapid and Sustainable Access to New Pediatric Antiretroviral Therapies Step by Step guide to early and accurate forecasting of new medication considering what is already available in facilities and at the national level to prevent wastage while transitioning into the new regimen - EGPAF/UNITAID Oct 2020

    Chapter 5: Quantification

    Forecasting is the procedure of estimating the quantity of new product that is needed or will be used within a specified timeframea,b. Quantification is the process to estimate the volume or quantity of the new product needed within a specified timeframe and when it should be delivered to ascertain that the transition of the new product is sustainable and there are no shortagesa,b. It is often calculated with an associated budget. Hence, quantification uses both forecasting and supply planning.

    graphic of quantification process

    5.1.1 Forecasting

    To forecast accurately, the following need to be evaluated:

    • Demographics
    • Historical use of the current product by year
    • Current product stock in hand, procurement pipeline, and estimated usage
    • Burden of unmet need
    • Expected program performance (improved diagnosis, etc.)

    In addition, the inclusion of the following would be useful:

    • Expected rate of roll out/uptake- demand creation
    • Calculation of quantity by age band for medications- adjusting for aging out and weight changes
    • Expected duration of the new treatment for medication
    • Number of tests needed routinely using the old product in case of diagnostic kits
    • Assumptions may be needed where data is unavailable or unreliable

    5.1.2 Supply Planning

    For the transition of the new product to be sustainable and for health care providers to be confident that they don’t need to revert to the old product due to stock and supply chain issues, it is important to have a supply plan in place.

    The plan needs to include calculation of adequate quantities of the new product and budget required considering the followinga,b:


    5.1.3 Engaging the right people

    To ensure that the results from the quantification can be used purposefully, it is important to engage the right peoplea. At a minimum, the technical specialists, program managers, procurement managers, logistics team should be engaged. Depending on the product, pharmacists, laboratory specialists/advisors and clinicians may need to be engaged. To do the forecasting and analytics, statisticians, epidemiologists can be invited to provide support. In certain countries, international organisations and donors provide additional support for this exercise, however we need to ascertain that in-country capacity is built as quantification is not a once off exercise and needs to be ongoing to ensure that there is no break in the procurement and supply of the new product.

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    5.1.4 References

    Tool Description
    CHAI Pediatric ARV Forecasting Simple Tool This is a simple but useful Excel based tool for forecasting quantity of ARVs needed calculation of cost as well of the transition over a period of three years. There is a paediatric and an adult version of the tool.
    Guide to forecast medicines and health supplies for reproductive, maternal and child health using different sources of data and information Ministry of Health of Belize 2015This is a step-by-step guide to ensure that the supply chain for medications for management of reproductive health, maternal and child health is maintained. It goes through which data sources to use for accurate forecasting and ensure that good quality data are used.
    Quantification and Budgeting for Rapid and Sustainable Access to New Pediatric Antiretroviral Therapies - GPAF/UNITAID 2020 Step by Step guide to early and accurate forecasting of new medication considering what is already available in facilities and at the national level to prevent wastage while transitioning into the new regimen.

    Chapter 6: Procurement and Supply

    The procurement process and supply chain need to be robust for sustainability of the rollout of the new product and to ensure that there is equitable distribution of the product across the country especially where the need is.

    In particular, the following need to be considered:

    • Manufacturer/s- number and if any are generic
    • Capacity of the manufacturer/s
    • Raw material for the product- availability, pipeline
    • Manufacturing and Marketing License
    • Quality assurance of the product

    There is a need to implement the World Health Assembly resolution WHA72.8 to improve equitable access to fair pricing and increase collaboration between countries for improved access to health products.

    WHO/Europe with the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care services and the Norwegian Medicines Agency have developed the ‘Oslo Medicines Initiative’a. “This provides a neutral platform where the public and private entities can jointly outline a vision for equitable and sustainable access to effective, innovative and affordable medicinesa.”

    graphic of sustainable access

    6.1.1 Procurement

    Procurement systems need to be robust to ensure that the new product is of good quality, can reach the people who need it, is affordable and sustainable. Effective procurement systems need capacitated individuals in the country who can monitor regulatory compliance and quality assurance of the product. There is also a need to work with multiple stakeholders to ensure that there is no stock out of essential medical products including test kits, medicines, vaccines etc.

    Various international organisations are working to support countries globally through different mechanisms:

    • Launch of the Oslo Medicines initiative
    • Strengthening of in country capacity
    • Pooling of resources for joint procurement

    6.1.2 Supply Chain

    The supply chain needs to be reviewed periodically due to the various conflicts around the world to ensure that the raw material for the medication is in adequate supply and there is no stockout of the final product. This can be supported through the ‘Oslo Medicines initiative’.

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    6.1.3 References

    Tool Description
    Procurement Tools - The Global Fund Describes tools and services that can be used to procure medication efficiently and effectively.
    1. The ‘pooled procurement mechanism’ is described, which is a Global Fund (GF) initiative to “aggregate order volumes on behalf of their implementing partners to negotiate prices and delivery conditions with manufacturers.”
    2. Wambo.org is GF’s procurement platform which offers access to their implementing partners, governments, and other organisations to secure products through the pooled procurement mechanism. It is specifically for HIV, TB, malaria health programs. It allows the teams to search for quality products, submit and track orders and invoices. This helps to improve access to quality products, increase transparency around the ordering process and improves procurement lead times.
    3. Private sector co-payment mechanism - This is a financing model to help improve access to Artemisinin based combination treatment for Malaria through the private retail sector distribution mechanism. This is ideal for countries where the private sector is a major provider for anti-malarial medication.
    QuanTB A downloadable tool which helps to quantify TB medicines to support the ordering, planning and procurement process to prevent interruptions in treatment. It is designed for any TB regimen and allows for changing needs of the TB program to support regular quantifications and stock management.

    Chapter 7: Healthcare Provider Capacitation

    Once the guidelines have been revised or a circular has been issued informing the health care providers about the new product, the Ministry of Health supported by technical specialists, working group members, academia, implementing partners, international organizations, and/or donors need to develop a training plan to capacitate the health care providers. The type of training being offered is often country specific and could be in multiple formats to ensure that the health provider can access the format/s that are most suitable to them in terms of logistics.

    graphic of capacitation

    7.1.1 Training of trainers

    Most LMICs opt for training of master trainers from each region due to cost, space, and time constraints. These master trainers then take the responsibility to disseminate the training at the health district and sub-district level in smaller groups. This is additionally supported by MoH program managers, implementing partners, academic institutions and non-governmental organisations working in those communities.

    7.1.2 Virtual Training

    Online training through virtual platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams became necessary during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and remain a critical format for training on and dissemination of guidelines. It has allowed the MoH program managers and technical specialists to reach a wider audience allowing health care providers from remote sites to attend the sessions and participate. These sessions can be recorded and made available to health care providers to watch/listen in their own time. This however comes with a few challenges such as data usage, bandwidth, and connectivity issues which need to be addressed.

    7.1.3 Self-learning platforms

    Self-learning platforms are increasingly becoming popular among those health care providers who are unable to attend virtual or in person sessions due to time constraints and are willing to or prefer attending the recorded sessions or reading the guidelines in their own time.

    7.1.4 Additional Support

    1. Job Aids:In short-staffed clinics or in clinics employing the ‘Super-Market’ approach, primary health care clinicians provide care and treatment for all diseases in one place, hence it may sometimes be challenging to remember all the updates and nuances in the different disease specific treatment guidelines and associated medicine dosages for children. Job Aids can play an important role after the training has been completed to support adherence to the guidelines and serve as a reminder to health care providers of the process flow in the guidelines, timing of laboratory tests as well as more importantly dosages for children. These job aids can be in the form of desk reference tools e.g., flow charts, check lists, abridged guidelines, posters, dosage charts etc.
    2. Ongoing Mentorship, Training and File Audits:All trainings should be accompanied by ongoing mentorship at the site level. File audits can be conducted periodically to identify any gaps in adherence to or interpretation of the national guidelines and should be addressed through targeted mentorship and retraining where needed.
    3. Helplines and Online support:Toll-free and WhatsApp helplines, email, and online platforms where challenges, questions and clarifications can be discussed and responded to by technical experts have been shown to be useful and should be encouraged as it will improve the understanding of the guidelines. The questions, clarifications and responses can be used to update the guideline and improve future trainings and guideline development.

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    Tool Description
    Effective teaching: a guide for educating healthcare providers - WHO and JHPIEGO A training package developed by WHO and JHPIEGO to help trainers and health care educators to effectively train health care practitioners. It includes a reference manual, learner and facilitator guides. Exercises are included to test knowledge and skills competency after the training. There is also provision to effectively use feedback to review and improve. WHO (2005), ISBN: 9241593806
    Training Toolkit - ITECH A downloadable tool which helps to quantify TB medicines to support the ordering, planning and procurement process to prevent interruptions in treatment. It is designed for any TB regimen and allows for changing needs of the TB program to support regular quantifications and stock management.
    Supporting Vaccination - A Toolkit for CHWs Community Health Workers (CHWs) are trusted members of the community and are often the ‘go to’ resource for health information for millions of people around the world. They therefore need to be equipped with adequate training and knowledge so that they can support and advance accurate information. The digital toolkit has several sessions from describing the role of the CHW, the importance of vaccines, how they work, what are their side effects and adverse events, how to address beliefs and values and special concerns, be empathetic, share information to counter misbeliefs or fake information, supporting those who are ready, other prevention methods, and lastly and most importantly self-care for the CHWs. It has been translated in several languages including English, Spanish, French, Xhosa and Sepedi.
    Childhood TB Training Toolkit - WHO 2014 A toolkit to train health care providers on childhood TB was developed by WHO and the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.The objectives of the toolkit were to increase detection and improve management of TB, increase contact tracing and preventive treatment, and provide more accurate TB data for better monitoring and evaluation amongst children. The toolkit is formed of ten modules ranging from epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and managing childhood TB in the community. ISBN 978 92 4 150778 3

    Chapter 8: Demand Creation

    Demand creation is defined as the process to increase demand for a product or service using marketing techniquesa. This is usually used to attract consumers to products or services that are unknown to them. In the health care setting, involving communities early in the discussions for a new product introduction is essential. Empowered patients, parents, caregivers, and patient advocacy groups are usually pro-active and engaged in finding better management options for their disease.

    To improve involvement of all the communities regardless of their educational and economic status and as a result advocacy, there is a need to improve health literacy. This will help not only with demand creation to ascertain better patient outcomes and sustain the use of the new product but also help to inform research and policy. When engaging communities, it is important to initiate discussions with community and traditional leaders who have influence over the community as their ‘buy in’ will help to increase community awareness on the new product as well as validate the use.

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    8.1.1 Health Literacy

    This is the extent to which an individual, parent/caregiver can access or understand health information, treatment options and services available to make an informed decision about their own health or for a child/family member that is being cared for by them.

    Treatment literacy is health literacy but specific to a disease condition. Patient advocacy groups often criticize the health care providers that they do not take the time or have enough time to discuss the disease, investigations, and treatment options with the patients.

    It is crucial for health care providers to engage with the communities including patients, parents and caregivers as increasing health literacy in the community will improve transparency of health procedures and processes, information sharing, health seeking behaviour, adherence to preventative measures and treatment, build trust, and generally improve the health of the community.

    8.1.2 Health Literacy Strategies

    It is important to develop communication strategies for our patients/caregivers that are in acceptable format which is easy to understand and retain. The ‘P Process’ is a tool that is used for planning social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) programs, it was developed in 1982 and is still used today to design, implement, monitor and evaluate communication strategies.

    It has five steps: Inquire; Design your strategy; Create and test; Mobilize and monitor; and Evaluate and evolveb. It is based on three cross-cutting concepts: SBCC theory, Stakeholder participation and Continuous capacity strengtheningb. The authors caution the reader not to assume they know the audience and to engage stakeholders as much as possible when developing the communication material. It is also critical to have a monitoring and evaluation plan so that the program can be strengthened continuously along the way.

    The following methods are commonly used to provide Health Literacy:

    • In facility: Health care provider health talks, group sessions, one on one sessions
    • In the community: group sessions, community health days
    • Mass media: radio, television
    • Information, education, and communication (IEC) material: pamphlets, videos, etc.
    • Social media: WhatsApp messages, Facebook platform
    • Edutainment: Using plays and games

    An excellent example of using lived experiences to generate demand generation is that from ICAP who have developed a video series ‘ The Power of PrEP’ of testimonials from individuals in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Nigeria who have used PrEP and benefitted from it. These are being shared by different countries in facility waiting rooms to help with demand creation for PrEP as well as to train health care providers.

    8.1.3 Community led Monitoring

    This is a collaborative method where the members of the community collect, analyse and use information from health care facilities and elsewhere so that they can improve their understanding of the program and any gaps. They then use this data to advocate for better management and/or resources.

    Community led monitoring can assist the country in identifying facilities where the new product is not yet available or is available but not being dispensed for e.g., due to a gap in training or understanding of the guidelines. They can also assist in identifying facilities with drug stock out or facilities where the patients are not being educated and empowered on all available treatment for their condition. It has been used often in the HIV treatment space to identify facilities which have drug stockouts, staff shortage, lack of consulting space and need better management skills, training for stigma and discrimination, key population sensitisation, differentiated service delivery options, etc. MoH can use these reports to improve the program and service delivery and focus on making the program client centred.

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    8.1.4 References

    Tool Description
    The SHARE Approach—Using the Teach-Back Technique - A Reference Guide for Health Care Providers Dscribes a collaborative technique to communicate with the patient and/or the caregiver.The health care provider describes the clinical care information, options, treatment dosages etc. to the patient/caregiver. The patient/caregiver has to repeat what was shared in their own words. This helps to ensure that the patient/caregiver has understood what was being said, increases collaboration between the health care provider and the patient, improves patient satisfaction and helps to gain trust.
    The P Process Tool The P Process is a tool that is used for planning social and behaviour change communication programs. It has five steps: Inquire; design your strategy; create and test; mobilize and monitor; and evaluate and evolve. It has been used by several programs to develop communication materials for the community.
    PrEP demand creation toolkits - CDC Designed for implementing partners to use to increase demand and uptake of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV among those whose who need it. It is based on the P process tool. It has various sample templates that can be used to develop the country’s own demand creation messaging. Several countries have used this toolkit to develop their own demand creation materials.
    Children Treatment Literacy Booklet for Caregivers - EGPAF Comprehensive booklet for caregivers providing information on HIV, antiretrovirals, adherence, viral load etc. It guides the caregivers on how to administer treatment to children, the different ways to access health services and when to access health services.

    Chapter 9: Phamacovigilance

    While randomised clinical trials (RCTs) are the gold standard for collection of information on efficacy, safety, and risks of a new medical product, they are unable to provide information of drug usage in a real-world setting. The safety data collected through clinical trials has certain limitations due to sample size, population studied, inclusion/exclusion criteria for study enrolment, geographical region/s where the study was conducted, controlled environment, etc.

    There have also been some changes in regulation to ascertain that new treatments can be rapidly accessed by patients e.g., the 21st Century Cures Act signed into law on December 13,2016, supports the acceleration of medical product development and brings new innovations and advances to patients who need thema. Hence, ongoing pharmacovigilance and post marketing surveillance are critical not only in country but globally to strengthen the safety and efficacy data on the new product and to support its continued use.

    It is also in the country’s interest and part of its ethical and legal responsibility to continue to monitor and evaluate any new medical product after it has been launched in the country.

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    9.1.1 Safety and Toxicity monitoring

    It is only when the product is in use by the general public, that some of the safety and toxicity concerns are identifiedb. It would be judicious to perform ongoing safety and toxicity monitoring pro-actively for new and previously approved medical products. These fall under post-market surveillance.

    Post Market surveillance is defined as “active, systematic and scientifically valid collection, analysis and interpretation of data or other information about a marketed device”c.

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    9.1.2 Real World Evidence

    The FDA collects real world data (RWD) from different sources including electronic medical records, medical claims data, data from product and disease registries etc., to create real world evidence (RWE) which includes usage, safety, and risk information to support regulatory oversight of medical products after they have been registered as well as to advance the development of better treatmentd.

    Since the passing of the Cares Act, the FDA established a framework in December 2018, to strengthen the evaluation of RWE to support additional indications for the already approved product as well as to support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the new product’s usage, side effects and risk profilee.

    Pharmacovigilance is defined by WHO as ‘the science and activities related to detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other possible drug-related problems’f. WHO recommends that every country should have a pharmacovigilance system which allows them to conduct these activities at a local and national level and collate the information for reporting into a global platform. There are many success stories from the adverse event reporting for immunization and global collaboration that we can learn from and apply to other productsf.

    It is therefore crucial that there is in country capacitation and development of electronic pharmacovigilance systems. Training and ongoing mentorship should be provided to health care providers to support the reporting of any adverse events associated with the new product. National regulatory authorities should be capacitated to evaluate the reported adverse events to determine causality and inform the global database on the new product usage, safety and risk profile.Health care providers need to be capacitated to perform routine pro-active ongoing safety and toxicity monitoring of both new and previously approved medical products as this will improve the quality of care provided to our patients.

    The European union requires every new medicinal product to have a risk management plan (RMP) as part of its licensing and approval processc. RMPs contain the product’s safety profile, measures to minimise and prevent risk in patients, measurement of the effectiveness of risk minimisation procedures as well as plans to collect additional data for safety and effiicacy of the medicationc. They need to updated throughout the lifetime of the product and submitted to the EMA whenever the risk management profile is altered due to new informationc.

    There is a move to collecting more real world information outside of the randomized control trial setting which despite being the ‘gold standard’, does not allow collection of data among routine clinic and hospital patients. Post-authorization safety studies (PASS) can be designed to allow prospective collection of additional safety and risk information and help plan for risk minimising management and prove the effectiveness of such measures.

    The specialist cohort event monitoring (SCEM) methods used in the UK and EU are an excellent example of how routine use of such methods in clinical practice can help inform safety and risk information for new and existing productse.

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    9.1.3 References

    Tool Description
    Standard reporting form for adverse events following immunization - (AEFI) Has a downloadable form for documenting adverse events following immunization.
    VigiMobile Application used on any handheld device allows health care workers to submit adverse events related to immunization from anywhere even when offline.
    Pharmacovigilance Monitoring System (PViMS) - USAID Web based application used to monitor the safety of medicines by health care practitioners, regulatory bodies and implementing partners. It enables data collection, analysis, and reporting for active surveillance in LMICs. It is a comprehensive pharmacovigilance tool as it offers both active monitoring and spontaneous reporting options.
    Guidelines for Market surveillance of medicines Guidelines and tools to support post market surveillance of medicines in South Africa. It guides the user on sample plan, training of the sample collectors and monitoring.
    Specialist Cohort Event Monitoring (SCEM) studies - A new study method for risk management in pharmacovigilance The authors Deborah Layton and Saad Shakir describe the use of the SCEM method in clinical practice to prospectively collect safety information on a new product as well as to compare two products.

    Chapter 10: Tracking and Impact

    New clinical products can enhance the quality of life through reducing morbidity and mortality while also reducing costs for the individual and health system and workdays losta. Lichtenburg conducted an econometric analysis of the impact of new drug launches on longevity in 52 countries from 1982-2001, and found that the launch of new chemical entities accounted for nearly 2 years increase in life expectancy across the 52 countries from 1986-2000b.

    Once a new product has been rolled out, it is important to not only assess the robustness of the procurement and supply chain processes but also to ensure there is demand for the new product and uptake. This should be followed by an assessment of the impact of the product in the management of the disease- early diagnostics, impact on disease prognosis and eventually the disease burden in the region.

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    In a retrospective cohort analysis in South Africa between July 2014 and March 2016, it was noted that the introduction of Bedaquiline reduced all-cause mortality among patients with multi drug resistant TB or rifampicin resistant TB (hazard ratio 0.35; 95%CI 0.28-0.46) and with extensively drug resistant TB (hazard ratio 0.26; 95% CI 0.18-0.38) compared with standard regimensc.

    Amongst 9419 HIV positive children and adolescents 0-19 years of age (CALHIV) on treatment in six Eastern and Southern African countries, it was noted in a retrospective analysis that 93.4% of the CALHIV using Dolutegravir (DTG) were virally suppressed, and among those who were previously unsuppressed, 79.8% achieved viral suppression once transitioned to DTGd.

    The impact of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) programs with the implementation of “treat all” on the burden of disease among children has been well established. Despite South Africa having the largest HIV burden among children globally, and sub-optimal treatment coverage, it has seen the among the largest declines in both mother to child transmission of HIV and AIDS deaths from 2017-2018 e.

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    10.1.2 References

    • a. Lichtenberg FR.The economic and human impact of new drugs. J Clin Psychiatry. 2003;64 Suppl 17:15-8. PMID: 14680422
    • b. Lichtenburg FR. The impact of new drug launches on longevity: evidence from longitudinal, disease-level data from 52 countries, 1982-2001. NBER Working Paper No. 9754 June 2003 JEL No. I12, F00, L65, O3, O4
    • c. Schnippel K, Ndjeka N, Maartens G, Meintjes G, Master I, Ismail N, et al. Effect of bedaquiline on mortality in South African patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2018 Sep;6(9):699-706. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(18)30235-2. Epub 2018 Jul 11. PMID: 30001994
    • d. Bacha JM, Dlamini S, Anabwani F, Gwimile J, Kanywa JB, Farirai J, et al. Realizing the Promise of Dolutegravir in Effectively Treating Children and Adolescents Living With HIV in Real-world Settings in 6 Countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2023 Jul 1;42(7):576-581. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000003878. Epub 2023 Feb 14. PMID: 36795586; PMCID: PMC10259212
    • e. Johnson LF, Patrick M, Stephen C, Patten G, Dorrington RE, Maskew M, et al. Steep Declines in Pediatric AIDS Mortality in South Africa, Despite Poor Progress Toward Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment Targets. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020 Sep;39(9):843-848. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002680. PMID: 32433224; PMCID: PMC7958302
      Tool Description
      Tools for measuring antimalarial efficacy WHO has developed tools for use in the country to monitor antimalarial efficacy, effective case management and detection of resistance.
      Post-authorisation safety studies (PASS) Describes studies conducted post authorisation of the medical product to collect and validate safety information, risk information, measure the effectiveness of risk minimisation/prevntion measures.


      The Product Access and Treatment Delivery (PATD) working group and the GAP-f secretariat for their support.