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Mother and her two children

The Optimizing HIV Treatment Access (OHTA) Initiative (2012—2017), funded by Sweden and 

South Africa's National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs (2017 - 2022) South Africa - National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs (2017 - 2022) 2017
Promising Practice: Rationalization of Partners and Services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2017) Rationalization of Partners and Services in the DRC

This promising practice reviews the rationalization process and a coordination and planning workshop conducted by OHTA and Ministry of Health representatives for partners working on HIV prevention and PMTCT within certain

Nigeria National Strategic Plan 2017-2021 Nigeria - National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework (2017-2021) 2017
For Every Child, End AIDS: Seventh Stocktaking Report For Every Child, End AIDS-Seventh Stocktaking Report-2016.pdf 2016
Uganda Ministry of Health PMTCT Tools cover Uganda MOH Linkages and Referral Form , Uganda MOH HCT Client Card , Uganda MOH Family Support Group Register , Uganda MOH Patient HIV Care Card , Uganda MOH ART Register , Uganda MOH HIV Care ART Card 2016
Improving Male Involvement to Support PMTCT of HIV Improving Male Involvement in PMTCT: Uganda Case Study

This case study is intended for programme managers and health professionals interested in learning about male involvement in the context of PMTCT programmes.

Presentation of Promising Practice: Returning HIV-exposed infants to care in Malawi (2016) Returning HEI to care in Malawi

This presentation from IAS 2016 highlights a promising practice to improve retention of HIV-exposed infants (HEI) in the postnatal care continuum.

Malawi Case Study on Joint Community-Facility Review of PMTCT Dashboards Malawi Case Study PMTCT (2016)

"Together We Can Improve"

A case study on joint community-facility review of PMTCT dashboards in Malawi

Uganda Ministry of Health PMTCT Tools cover Uganda MOH Exposed Infant Clinical Chart , Uganda MOH Dried Blood Spot Dispatch Form , Uganda MOH Exposed Infant Register , Uganda MOH HIV Care Patient Appointment Book , Uganda MOH Daily Activity Register for Serological Tests and Viral Load 2016
EMTCT in the Americas cover EMTCT in the Americas Update - 2016

Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in the Americas

Uganda Ministry of Health PMTCT Tools (Part 3) Uganda MOH Pre-ART Register , Uganda MOH Integrated Maternity Register , Uganda MOH HIV Quarterly Monitoring Reporting Form , Uganda MOH HIV Counselling , Uganda MOH ART Register 2016
Guideline: Updates on HIV and Infant Feeding cover Guideline - Updates on HIV and Infant Feeding.pdf

The first WHO guidelines on HIV and Infant Feeding in 2010 recommended the use of antiretroviral drugs to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV through breastfeeding. Since then, almost all count

OPTION B+ MONITORING & EVALUATION FRAMEWORK DISSEMINATION Option B+ Monitoring & Evaluation Framework: Technical Synthesis (2016)

A robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system is a key component of a strong health system.

Option B+ Monitoring & Evaluation Framework: Executive Summary Option B+ Monitoring & Evaluation Framework: Executive Summary (2016)

In 2015, the IATT monitoring and evaluation working group (MEWG) finalized and disseminated the IATT B+ M&E Framework.

Republique Togolaise plan national de suivi et evaluation du VIH/SIDA 2016-2020 Plan-National-SE-VIH-2016-2020_Togo.pdf 2016
Sierra Leone National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2016-2020 Sierra Leone National Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020.pdf 2016
Call for the acceleration of the elimination of mother-to-child HIV transmission and antiretroviral treatment for children in West and Central Africa by 2020 Dakar Call to Action for eMTCT and Pediatric Treatment

Appel pour l’accélération de l’élimination de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH et le t

Malawi Ministry of Health PMTCT Tools Maternity Clinic Register , Maternity Clinic Facility Monthly Report , Integrated HIV Clinic Quarterly Reporting Form , HIV Care Clinic Patient Card (exposed child) , Exposed Child Under 24 months Monthly Follow Up Reporting Form 2015
Community Facility Linkages Executive Summary Community Facility Linkages Executive Summary 2015