Prioritizing the Continuity of Services for Adolescents Living with HIV during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This information note is intended for use by policy makers, programme managers, and major funders of the health sector response to HIV, in contexts where COVID-19 poses a threat to service continuity for adolescents living with HIV, within national COVID-19 responses. The document succinctly summarizes what we know about COVID-19 risks in this vulnerable population, offers key considerations for safeguarding HIV treatment service continuity, and emphasizes sexual and reproductive health, mental health and psychosocial support as priority needs.
Questions and Answers for Adolescents Living with HIV in Time of COVID-19
This questions + answers brief was developed by UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Offices in partnership with Y+ and country-level networks of adolescents and young people living with HIV (A&YPLHIV). The questions are directly from A&YPLHIV and were the most common questions submitted through social media. They focus on key concerns specific to A&YPLHIV about COVID-19.