Linking the HIV and Child Protection Response to Keep Children Safe, Healthy, & Resilient

This report documents models, case studies and lessons learned to highlight practical ways in which child protection systems and services link to HIV services in order to benefit HIV and child protection outcomes for children. The goal of the report is for policymakers and programmers to consider and implement interventions that link across sectors.

Consolidated HIV Guidelines for Key Populations

The new Consolidated guidelines on HIV, viral hepatitis and STI prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations outline a public health response for 5 key populations (men who have sex with men, trans and gender diverse people, sex workers, people who inject drugs and people in prisons and other closed settings). They present and discuss new recommendations and consolidate a range of recommendations and guidance from current WHO guidelines.


Integrated Management of Childhood Illness for High HIV Settings

The IMCI chart booklet is for use by doctors, nurses and other health professionals who see young infants and children less than five years old. It facilitates the use of the IMCI case management process in practice and describes a series of all the case management steps in a form of IMCI charts. 

These charts show the sequence of steps and provide information for performing them. The IMCI chart booklet should be used by all health professionals providing care to sick children to help them apply the IMCI case management guidelines. Health professionals should always use the chart booklet for easy reference. 

The chart booklet is divided into two main parts because clinical signs in sick young infants (up to 2 months) and older children (2 months to 5 years) are somewhat different and because case management procedures also differ between these age groups.

Children & HIV Fact Sheet

Despite this significant progress, the number of children becoming newly infected with HIV remains unacceptably high. About 150,000 [110,000–190,000] children became infected with HIV in 2015, down from 490,000 [430,000–560,000] in 2000.

Get on the Fast-Track: The Life-Cycle Approach to HIV

In this report, UNAIDS is announcing that 18.2 million people now have access to HIV treatment. The Fast-Track response is working. Increasing treatment coverage is reducing AIDS-related deaths among adults and children. But the life-cycle approach has to include more than just treatment. Tuberculosis (TB) remains among the commonest causes of illness and death among people living with HIV of all ages, causing about one third of AIDS-related deaths in 2015. These deaths could and should have been prevented.