Translating evidence into practice

With support from the Joint UN 2gether 4SRHR programme, a research partnership with the University of Oxford and University of Cape Town was established with the aim to improve HIV, SRH, and the overall well-being of adolescents by providing sustainable and scalable services. The partnership, which was ongoing from 2018 to 2023, investigated drivers of HIV and SRH risk in adolescents, and was committed to generating and using the latest evidence to propose practical solutions, shape programmes and guide decision-making for adolescents.

The results of the partnership are being used in integrating evidence into programming for adolescents throughout the region. They are summarized in a synthesis report, along with the six evidence-to-action briefs featured here.

Leveraging the Learning from HIV Programming for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Girls

This brief, the first in UNICEF's new Leveraging the Learning series, sets out to leverage the learnings from holistic, integrated, multisectoral, and age- and gender-responsive approaches to respond to and reduce early and adolescent pregnancy, support young mothers, and improve health and well-being outcomes for adolescent girls and their children. 

Highlighting promising practices for pregnant adolescents living with HIV, the report is relevant for efforts to support all pregnant adolescent girls, regardless of their HIV status.

Assessment of the impact of social allowances on the quality of life of CLHIV in Tajikistan

This report presents the results of a study commissioned by UNICEF Tajikistan in collaboration with the Republican AIDS Centre and the NGO Guli Surkh to evaluate the impact of social allowances on the treatment outcomes of children living with HIV in Tajikistan. Of the 7,552 persons living with HIV in Tajikistan today, 10.2 per cent are children under the age of 18. As of December 2017, 90.5 per cent of these children were covered with antiretroviral therapy.

Story from ESARO: Young HIV advocates stand up to fake news and stigma

This article from the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office highlights the efforts of young advocates addressing stigma and misinformation about HIV. 

The Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region is home to more than 60 per cent of young people worldwide living with HIV. Stigma is a major challenge for young people, hindering their ability access HIV services and continue treatment as needed. 2gether 4 SRHR, in partnership with Sida, aims to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health rights across ESA. 

The story features Ruele, a young advocate working with Y+ Kenya. He uses social media and advocacy to combat fake news about HIV and support young people to take medications without stigma by sharing his own experiences. 




Young HIV advocates stand up to fake news and stigma
Too many people feel shame taking ART, especially young men. Ruele takes his ART in public to help normalise the idea of taking medication

By Fatima Shahryar

Spotlight Report: LGBTQI+ Youth in Brazil Speak Up

On this International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) 2023, we unveil the UNICEF Spotlight Report on the Youth Aware initiative in Brazil. Youth Aware is a partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Health, to transform the approach to HIV and STI prevention and treatment for LGBTQI+ youth through peer education and community mobilization. Young people in Brazil are disproportionately impacted by the HIV epidemic, and key populations face heightened vulnerability.

Supported by M·A·C VIVA GLAM, this flagship UNICEF programme redefines health services for adolescents, addressing their needs and the shifting landscape of gender and sexuality. The report showcases the stories of courageous individuals countering prejudice and sheds light on their aspirations and challenges. Together, we can challenge stigma, discrimination, and marginalization, advocating for a future where every young person can thrive. Join us as we celebrate IDAHOBIT and champion a healthier, more inclusive future.

The Republic of Uganda Ministry of Health: The National Pediatric and Adolescent HIV Advocacy Strategy And Road Map 2022-2026

The Republic of Uganda Ministry of Health has released its National Pediatric and Adolescent HIV Advocacy Strategy And Road Map 2022-2026, disseminated in Kampala during October 2022. 

The overall objective of this strategy is to complement and catalyze the ongoing national programs targeted at improving pediatric and adolescents HIV outcomes by addressing the policy and resource allocation gaps. This will be through putting in place a uniform and harmonized technical approach to advocacy across the national response stakeholders. The strategy provides standardized practical approaches to guide stakeholders in planning, designing, implementing and evaluating advocacy initiatives in support of pediatric and adolescents HIV. The strategy will institute systems to keep truck of ongoing and new advocacy initiatives to ensure they are aligned to the advocacy issues highlighted in the strategy for continuous process quality improvement and mitigate risks associated with uncoordinated advocacy initiatives. 

HIV and Young Men Who Have Sex with Men

This technical brief is one in a series addressing four young key populations. It is intended for policy-makers, donors, service-planners, service-providers and community-led organizations. This brief aims to catalyse and inform discussions about how best to provide health services, programmes and support for young men who have sex with men (MSM). It offers a concise account of current knowledge concerning the HIV risk and vulnerability of young MSM; the barriers and constraints they face to appropriate services; examples of programmes that may work well in addressing their needs and rights; and approaches and considerations for providing services that both draw upon and build to the strengths, competencies and capacities of young MSM.

Cash Plus: An Adolescent Livelihood, Health and Well-being Intervention as part of Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Net Programme

For adolescent boys and girls, transitioning to adulthood means facing significant social, health and economic risks. These include a lack of economic opportunities, early marriage and pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, violence, abuse and exploitation. To support a safe, healthy and productive passage to adulthood, the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF), the Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS), UNICEF and other key stakeholders have developed, implemented and evaluated an intervention where social protection and economic empowerment interventions are combined with sexual and reproductive health education and services as part of the Tanzanian government’s cash transfer programme, the Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN).

The resources available include a project brief with a summary of the programme components and impact evaluation, as well as research briefs and reports from the baseline, midline and third wave of data collection.