Botswana Integrated HIV Clinical Care Guidelines

The information contained within this handbook is a condensed version of the full 2016 HIV Integrated Clinical Care Guidelines and reflects the latest scientific updates on HIV care from around the world. As we launch the ‘Treat All’ Strategy, let us appreciate how far we have come in the struggle against HIV in Botswana. When we first started the ART Programme in 2002, no one dreamt that today we would be poised to become one of the few countries in the world to achieve the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets. No one could have ever imagined that by 2016 Botswana would ben near to virtually eliminating Mother-to-Child transmission and have rolled-out ART services to all hospitals and over 600 clinics – but we did it. Now with the New HIV “Treat All” Strategy, we have the opportunity to finally gain epidemiologic control of HIV after over 16 years of relentless efforts. What better way to pay our respects to the thousands of Batswana who have lost their lives to HIV.