New Horizons Disclosure of HIV Status Toolkit for Pediatric and Adolescent Populations

This toolkit was developed by the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) with funding from a consulting agreement with Johnson & Johnson, in support of the New Horizons Advancing Pediatric HIV Care Collaborative. 

The Disclosure of HIV Status Toolkit for Pediatric and Adolescent Populations provides general guidance on disclosure of HIV status in pediatric and adolescent HIV care. This document contains tools for use in clinical practice to build the capacity of health care workers, caregivers, and pediatric and adolescent patients themselves—in assisting with and delivering successful and informed disclosure. It is primarily targeted for use among health care workers.

Specific modules support:

  • Health care workers or caregivers to disclose an HIV status to a child or adolescent.
  • Horizontally-infected adolescents to disclose their status to their caregivers.
  • Adolescents to disclose to their social networks, community, and romantic partners.

Find out more at the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) website

ITPC: Key Population Activist Toolkit on PrEP (2018)

The International Treatment Preparedness Coalition developed the Key Population Activist Toolkit on PrEP, to equip community activists with the knowledge and skills they need to demand pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

Community-led demand efforts can influence the success of PrEP programming, including influencing how accessible PrEP services are to the community, whether people actually choose to take PrEP, and whether these services are being offered in a way that is suited to the needs of PrEP users.

The Toolkit aims to:

  • Equip community activists with the knowledge and skills that they need around PrEP, advocacy, and community mobilization so that they are able to mobilize their communities to demand PrEP
  • To enable community PrEP activists to advocate with their governments and service providers to allow key populations access to PrEP services
  • To ensure that these services are provided in a manner that is affordable, appropriate to their needs, and addresses access barriers.

The toolkit is intended for individuals, organizations and networks – particularly those representing key populations – wanting to:

  • Learn more about PrEP
  • Contribute to preventing the spread of HIV in their communities
  • Gain the knowledge and skills that they need to mobilize their communities and advocate with community leaders and decision makers for access to PrEP

HIV and infant feeding in emergencies: operational guidance (2018)

Many millions of people around the world are affected by emergencies, the majority of whom are women and children. Among them are many who are known to be living with HIV and others who may not know their HIV status.

The purpose of this document is to provide operational guidance on HIV and infant feeding in emergencies. It is intended to be used to complement emergency and sectoral guidelines on health, nutrition and HIV, including specifically infant feeding, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and paediatric antiretroviral treatment.

The envisaged target audience consists of decision makers, policymakers, national and subnational government managers and planners, managers of refugee camps and similar settlements for displaced persons, and managers and planners in United Nations agencies, nongovernmental organizations and other groups responding to humanitarian situations.

This operational guidance is based on a consultation convened by the WHO, UNICEF and the Emergency Nutrition Network in Geneva in September 2016, which brought together a cross-section of senior-level participants from United Nations agencies, government, nongovernmental organizations, academia, and other agencies working in nutrition and HIV in emergencies. This document sets out basic principles related to HIV and infant feeding in emergency settings, and the actions that government and other stakeholders can take to prepare for emergencies.

Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls (2015)

The Population Council and partners developed this toolkit to help build relevant, tailored and positive programmes for adolescent girls through the asset-building approach helps. The Building Assets Toolkit introduces policymakers and programme planners to this approach, offers resources and provides examples. Find additional content including customisable asset cards and worksheet here

Building Evidence to Guide PrEP Introduction for Adolescent Girls and Young Women

This Population Council document primarily aims to provide DREAMS country teams with practical guidance on building evidence on PrEP for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW). It includes factors that influence informed choice, demand and use of PrEP by young women, key characteristics that affect client-provider interactions, and practical advice on gathering data on user, community, and provider perspectives.

HEI Toolkit: DBS Job Aids for Laboratory

CDC-Atlanta Maternal Child HIV Branch and International Lab Branch, in collaboration with partners, have developed tools to support health care workers and laboratorians to provide services to HIV-exposed infants, including infant virologic testing.

DBS Job Aids for the Laboratory: DBS receiving, storage, and acceptance criteria

Intended Audience:
Laboratorians who receive dried blood spot specimens.

These are job aids that provide basic information for laboratorians about how to receive, process and store DBS specimens. These job aids apply to DBS specimens that are collected for EID, Viral load or drug resistance testing. They may be displayed on the wall in the laboratory for easy reference.

HEI Toolkit: DBS Job Aids for Clinic

CDC-Atlanta Maternal Child HIV Branch and International Lab Branch, in collaboration with partners, have developed tools to support health care workers and laboratorians to provide services to HIV-exposed infants, including infant virologic testing.

DBS Job Aids for the Clinic: DBS collection, drying, and packaging

Intended audience:
Health care workers who collect specimens for EID on dried blood spots, dry and package specimens for transport.

These are visual job aids that are a simplified version of the content provided in the EID video. They cover DBS collection, drying and packaging in the health clinic. They may be displayed on the wall in a health centre for easy reference.