Sexual & Reproductive Health & HIV Linkages: Indicators & Related Assessment Tools

While there are many separate indicators related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV, a key challenge has been the lack of internationally agreed indicators to measure progress in linking SRH and HIV. This SRH and HIV Linkages Compendium contains a focused set of indicators and related assessment tools that have relevance to tracking the links between SRH and HIV programmes at national and sub-national levels.

Each indicator includes an overview, a brief description of its relevance to SRH and HIV linkages, and a hyperlink to a detailed definition.  All the indicators in this compendium have passed through a rigorous evaluation based on the indicator standards of the UNAIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group.

Monitoring HIV Impact Using Population-Based Surveys

This publication is an update of the 2005 guidelines for measuring national HIV prevalence in population-based surveys of the UNAIDS/WHO Working Group on Global HIV/AIDS and STI Surveillance.

The purpose of the revised guidelines is to assist programme officers in monitoring the HIV epidemic and the impact of the country’s AIDS response by designing and implementing population-based surveys that include HIV infection, sexually transmitted infections, and other bloodborne biomarkers.

Tool to Set & Monitor Targets for HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care for Key Populations

This document provides guidance on monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the comprehensive package of interventions to address HIV among key populations: men who have sex with men, people in prisons and other closed settings, people who inject drugs, sex workers and transgender people.

This document provides countries with:

  • a set of harmonized indicators to examine the implementation of the package of interventions to address HIV among key populations; and
  • guidance on setting targets for these indicators.


Integrated Management of Childhood Illness for High HIV Settings

The IMCI chart booklet is for use by doctors, nurses and other health professionals who see young infants and children less than five years old. It facilitates the use of the IMCI case management process in practice and describes a series of all the case management steps in a form of IMCI charts. 

These charts show the sequence of steps and provide information for performing them. The IMCI chart booklet should be used by all health professionals providing care to sick children to help them apply the IMCI case management guidelines. Health professionals should always use the chart booklet for easy reference. 

The chart booklet is divided into two main parts because clinical signs in sick young infants (up to 2 months) and older children (2 months to 5 years) are somewhat different and because case management procedures also differ between these age groups.

Protection and Resilience: Checklist

This checklist for "Why, Where and How to Coordinate HIV and Child Protection Policy and Programming" was developed in response to the call from practitioners in sub-Saharan Africa for some practical guidance on how to link HIV and child protection policy and programming. There is a strong, and growing, body of evidence to show that achieving an AIDS-free generation depends on protecting children from abuse, violence, exploitation and neglect, and vice versa.