Translating evidence into practice

With support from the Joint UN 2gether 4SRHR programme, a research partnership with the University of Oxford and University of Cape Town was established with the aim to improve HIV, SRH, and the overall well-being of adolescents by providing sustainable and scalable services. The partnership, which was ongoing from 2018 to 2023, investigated drivers of HIV and SRH risk in adolescents, and was committed to generating and using the latest evidence to propose practical solutions, shape programmes and guide decision-making for adolescents.

The results of the partnership are being used in integrating evidence into programming for adolescents throughout the region. They are summarized in a synthesis report, along with the six evidence-to-action briefs featured here.

2023 Global and Regional Snapshots on HIV and AIDS: Progress and priorities for children, adolescents and pregnant women

UNICEF's annual global and regional epidemiological and response snapshots of Eastern and Southern Africa, West and Central Africa, and the Middle East and North Africa, based on the UNAIDS 2023 HIV estimates.

The snapshots describe where we are in terms of vertical transmission, the treatment gap, and the impact on adolescents.

Statistical Update and Report for World AIDS Day 2021

UNICEF's 2021 World AIDS Day report provides global and regional statistical updates on children, adolescents and pregnant women. It further provides a brief history of the HIV epidemic and response for children together with a series of human interest stories that shine light on inequalities faced by children and adolescents, especially in HIV treatment and prevention services.

Flip through the 2021 World AIDS Day Spotlight Photo Report, which amplifies the voices of the most marginalized children, adolescents and young mothers along the theme of stolen childhood, lost adolescence

Fiche d’information à l’intention des agents de plaidoyer

Cette fiche d’information a été conçue pour vous fournir les informations nécessaires pour promouvoir le diagnostic précoce des nourrissons (EID) au sein de votre communauté et pour encourager les personnes à faire faire le test du VIH à leurs nourrissons. Elle explique également comment la nouvelle technologie des points de services (POC) permet une production plus rapide des résultats de test. Il est important que nous puissions sensibiliser les personnes aux services d’EID, accroître l’utilisation des tests et plaider auprès des décideurs et des responsables de mise en œuvre de programmes pour une plus large disponibilité du POC EID.

Aide-mémoire destiné aux pairs aidants

Est-ce que vous travaillez avec des personnes vivant avec le VIH ? Vous dirigez peut-être un groupe de soutien pour les femmes vivant avec le VIH ou des séances de préparation à l’accouchement ? Est- ce que vous organisez des réunions communautaires ou est-ce que vous rendez visite à domicile à des familles affectées par le VIH ?

Job Aid for Peer Supporters

Do you work with people living with HIV? Maybe you run a support group for women living with HIV or antenatal classes? Do you hold community meetings or visit families affected by HIV in their homes? This job aid is for anyone who regularly talks to, meets with and supports communities affected by HIV. Especially people supporting mothers, fathers and caregivers of babies and children who may have been exposed to HIV.