Assessing the Vulnerability and Risks of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Eastern and Southern Africa: A Review of the Tools in Use

This regional report aims to strengthen risk-informed programming and facilitate scale up of simple and effective tools to identify and reach those adolescent girls and young women who are most in need of services and support. All the available tools included in the review are linked in the annexes and included in UNICEF's AGYW Programming and Implementation Repository. 


IAS 2021 Roadmap

Download the IAS 2021 Roadmap to find sessions at the 11th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science relevant to HIV and children, adolescents and pregnant women.

UNICEF Health Results 2020: HIV and AIDS

This flyer provides a quick overview of UNICEF's results within HIV and AIDS in 2020. It describes achievements within UNICEF's main programmatic areas: prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, treatment of children and adolescents living with HIV, and HIV prevention in adolescents. 

UNICEF's Global Annual Results Report - Goal Area 1 describes results achieved in more detail from p. 132-150.

Fiche d’information à l’intention des agents de plaidoyer

Cette fiche d’information a été conçue pour vous fournir les informations nécessaires pour promouvoir le diagnostic précoce des nourrissons (EID) au sein de votre communauté et pour encourager les personnes à faire faire le test du VIH à leurs nourrissons. Elle explique également comment la nouvelle technologie des points de services (POC) permet une production plus rapide des résultats de test. Il est important que nous puissions sensibiliser les personnes aux services d’EID, accroître l’utilisation des tests et plaider auprès des décideurs et des responsables de mise en œuvre de programmes pour une plus large disponibilité du POC EID.

Job Aid for Peer Supporters

Do you work with people living with HIV? Maybe you run a support group for women living with HIV or antenatal classes? Do you hold community meetings or visit families affected by HIV in their homes? This job aid is for anyone who regularly talks to, meets with and supports communities affected by HIV. Especially people supporting mothers, fathers and caregivers of babies and children who may have been exposed to HIV.