Monitoring & Evaluating ART Treatment for Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women Living with HIV & Their Infants

The purpose of this framework is to provide operational guidance on monitoring and evaluation of pregnant and breastfeeding women receiving ART for life and their HEIs. This document is organized around a series of recommendations for the operationalization of monitoring, both routine (Section 1) and enhanced (Section 2), and the evaluation (Section 3) of programmes implementing lifelong ART for pregnant and breastfeeding women and their infants.

Caring for People Living with HIV During Sierra Leone's Ebola Outbreak

Caring for people living with HIV during the ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. The outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) that hit Sierra Leone in May 2014 ravaged communities, severely disrupting general health services and reducing access to those services. The epidemic rapidly spread to all districts in the country, with varying levels of intensity.

Linking the HIV and Child Protection Response to Keep Children Safe, Healthy, & Resilient

This report documents models, case studies and lessons learned to highlight practical ways in which child protection systems and services link to HIV services in order to benefit HIV and child protection outcomes for children. The goal of the report is for policymakers and programmers to consider and implement interventions that link across sectors.

Operational Guidance for Comprehensive Sexuality Education

The right of access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is grounded in fundamental human rights and is a means to empower young people to protect their health, well-being and dignity. This Operational Guidance sets out UNFPA’s framework for CSE, which is one of five prongs to UNFPA‘s Adolescent and Youth Strategy. This document guides UNFPA’s support to governments and other partners as CSE programmes, both in and out of school, are designed, implemented and evaluated. Building on current standards, it outlines steps to identify priorities, implement actions and evaluate outcomes – providing country-specific examples, tools for programme managers and technical advisers.