Cash-Plus: Round 3 Report

Provides findings from the impact evaluation of Ujana Salama. This impact evaluation is a 26-month, mixed-methods study aimed at providing evidence on the potential for an additional plus component targeted to youth layered on top of a government cash transfer programme to improve youths’ future economic opportunities and facilitate safe transitions to adulthood.

Une initiative strategique mondiale pour mettre fin au sida chez les enfants d'ici 2020

Mettre fin au sida chez les enfants, grâce à une alliance forte, stratégique et orientée vers l’action de parties prenantes multisectorielles aux niveaux national, régional et mondial qui travaille avec des femmes, des enfants et des adolescents vivant avec le VIH, des gouvernements nationaux et des partenaires pour mobiliser le leadership, le financement et l’action afin d’en finir avec le sida chez les enfants d’ici 2030.

The Global Alliance to end AIDS in Children Framework

An end to AIDS in children, achieved through a strong, strategic, and action-oriented alliance of multisectoral stakeholders at national, regional, and global levels that works with women children and adolescents living with HIV, national governments, and partners to mobilize leadership, funding, and action to end AIDS in children by 2030.

Global Annual Results Report 2021: Every child survives and thrives: HIV and AIDS

It is clear that the AIDS epidemic is not over. The pace of progress is too slow to meet the 2030 SDG targets. To promote faster and more consistent improvement, the new UNICEF Strategic Plan emphasizes differentiation, integration, partnership and innovation to address barriers to inequalities.

25 years of progress graph



Reasons for stalled progress in 2021:
Inequalities that are leaving too many behind:

HIV infographic info


HIV and Young Men Who Have Sex with Men

This technical brief is one in a series addressing four young key populations. It is intended for policy-makers, donors, service-planners, service-providers and community-led organizations. This brief aims to catalyse and inform discussions about how best to provide health services, programmes and support for young men who have sex with men (MSM). It offers a concise account of current knowledge concerning the HIV risk and vulnerability of young MSM; the barriers and constraints they face to appropriate services; examples of programmes that may work well in addressing their needs and rights; and approaches and considerations for providing services that both draw upon and build to the strengths, competencies and capacities of young MSM.