Caring for People Living with HIV During Sierra Leone's Ebola Outbreak

Caring for people living with HIV during the ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. The outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) that hit Sierra Leone in May 2014 ravaged communities, severely disrupting general health services and reducing access to those services. The epidemic rapidly spread to all districts in the country, with varying levels of intensity.

Linking the HIV and Child Protection Response to Keep Children Safe, Healthy, & Resilient

This report documents models, case studies and lessons learned to highlight practical ways in which child protection systems and services link to HIV services in order to benefit HIV and child protection outcomes for children. The goal of the report is for policymakers and programmers to consider and implement interventions that link across sectors.

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Framework

This document puts forward a framework with new strategic directions for 2016–2021 on voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention as the follow-on to the Joint Strategic Action Framework 2012–2016. The new directions focus on adolescent boys and men, and take into account a range of physical and psychosocial health issues. They highlight the need for innovative approaches to overcome current barriers to services, increase acceptability, and address inequalities in access and coverage. This document will be used to inform, both regionally and globally, an action-oriented and operational framework on VMMC and men’s health, with overlapping benefits for women’s health.

Namibia National ART Guidelines

Namibia's National Guidelines for Antiretroviral Therapy (5th Edition) incorporates the latest WHO guidelines for treating and supporting people living with HIV. These guidelines utilize the 90-90-90 targets to end global AIDS by 2030 as a vision to end the AIDS epidemic in Namibia. The plan discusses expansion of HIV treatment and prevention, management of PrEP, PEP, and other ART, viral load monitoring, and patient centred HIV care for special populations.

Lessons Learned for HIV Programming: Mozambique

UNICEF's Lessons Learned for HIV Programming: 2013 Floods in Gaza Province, Mozambique

Despite the high HIV prevalence in gaza Province, HIV was not accounted for in the initial emergency response and assessments. This oversight affected treatment continuity and other services for PLHIV. Continued access to HIV treatment and services is critical to preventing new infections and drug resistance.

HIV in the Context of El Niño in Southern Africa

This brief is intended for colleagues in UNICEF country offices working on El Niño response plans in order to make appropriate links to HIV and ensure that risks are mitigated and addressed. It highlights the effects of El Niño’s impact on HIV-related vulnerabilities and services, and on people living with HIV. This brief can also be used for advocacy with governments, development partners and donors.