Option B+ Monitoring & Evaluation Framework: Executive Summary

In 2015, the IATT monitoring and evaluation working group (MEWG) finalized and disseminated the IATT B+ M&E Framework. One mechanism used to disseminate was to convene a 15 Country Consultation that was determined as follows: the eight 2015 priority countries (Cameroon, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda & Zambia) that contributed 70% of new infections among the Global Plan countries in 2013, three countries (Malawi, Rwanda and Zimbabwe) representing best practices from the region and four countries (Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, DRC and Namibia) who are in the process of reviewing their M&E systems for B+ roll out.

Plan d’Acceleration de la Thérapie ARV au Cameroun (2016-2018)

Dans la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre, le Cameroun est le deuxième pays, après le Nigeria, où le poids de l'épidémie de VIH est considérable. Malgré l'importance de l'épidémie, le pays adhère à la vision stratégique de l'ONUSIDA pour atteindre l'objectif 90/90/90 pour le traitement du VIH d'ici à 2020, L'importance des problèmes de santé publique auxquels le Cameroun doit faire face dans les prochaines années.

Community-Facility Linkages to Support the Scale Up Of Lifelong Treatment for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Living With HIV

This report discusses how community-facility linkages can be used to support the scale up of lifelong treatment for pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV. It offers a conceptual framework and describes eleven promising practices associated with increased service uptake, adherence or retention along the continuum of care.