Malawi Guidelines for HIV Clinical Management in Children & Adults

This third edition of the Malawi Guidelines for Clinical Management of HIV in Children and Adults will be implemented starting May 2016. It replaces all previous editions of the Malawi Antiretroviral therapy (ART) and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) guidelines. This document is written for medical doctors, clinical officers, medical assistants, nurses, midwives, health surveillance assistants (HSAs) and medical records clerks who are working in public and private sector health facilities in Malawi. It is designed to be a practical guide for implementation of integrated HIV Services.

Zambia Consolidated HIV Guidelines

This 2016 version of the Zambia Consolidated Guidelines for Treatment and Prevention of HIV Infection provides simplified guidance on a continued approach that positively affects the continuum of HIV care, while adding to innovative methods that will reduce transmission rates and increase life span for those on treatment. This is all to further accelerate efforts to meet the ambitious Fast-Track target for 2020, including achieving major reductions in the number of people dying from HIV-related causes and the 90–90–90 treatment target.

Mozambique Tratamento Antiretroviral

Em Moçambique, a pandemia do HIV/SIDA é assumida como um dos desafios de âmbito multissectorial. No que concerne ao Serviço Nacional de Saúde, múltiplas acções integradas têm sido implementadas nos últimos anos pelo Ministério da Saúde (MISAU) com vista a alargar as medidas de prevenção, diagnóstico e o início atempado dos cuidados e tratamento, sendo que em 2013 foi implementado o Plano de Aceleração de Resposta ao HIV e SIDA, que contempla nos seus objectivos a expansão dos Serviços TARV e a melhoria da qualidade assistencial.

Lesotho National ART Guidelines

The fifth edition of these guidelines represents a determined commitment of the government to achieve and contribute to the ambitious global target of reaching 90-90-90 by 2020, which aims to diagnose 90% of people living with HIV, place 90% of those diagnosed on ART, and suppress HIV viral replication in 90% of those on ART by 2020. Reaching these goals will help reverse and end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Lesotho has one of the highest HIV prevalences in the world at 23% and an estimated 319,000 people living with HIV.

Kenya Guidelines on use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection

The Guidelines on use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection in Kenya 2016 edition contain relevant information required by health care providers in the use of ARVs as of the date of issue. All reasonable precautions have been taken by NASCOP to verify the information contained in this guideline document. This guideline document is a publication of the National AIDS & STI Control Program, Ministry of Health Kenya.

Botswana Integrated HIV Clinical Care Guidelines

The information contained within this handbook is a condensed version of the full 2016 HIV Integrated Clinical Care Guidelines and reflects the latest scientific updates on HIV care from around the world. As we launch the ‘Treat All’ Strategy, let us appreciate how far we have come in the struggle against HIV in Botswana. When we first started the ART Programme in 2002, no one dreamt that today we would be poised to become one of the few countries in the world to achieve the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets. No one could have ever imagined that by 2016 Botswana would ben near to virtually eliminating Mother-to-Child transmission and have rolled-out ART services to all hospitals and over 600 clinics – but we did it. Now with the New HIV “Treat All” Strategy, we have the opportunity to finally gain epidemiologic control of HIV after over 16 years of relentless efforts. What better way to pay our respects to the thousands of Batswana who have lost their lives to HIV.

Children, Adolescents, Drugs and HIV

The impact of drugs upon the lives of children and adolescents is an issue that has been largely overlooked to date in much of the debate and documentation on drugs. The purpose of this paper is to identify lessons learned, together with key implications for policy and programmes, arising from UNICEF’s experience to date of addressing children, drugs and HIV. The paper also suggests practical steps that could enhance the impact of UNICEF’s work in this area, within the overall frameworks of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2014-17.

Developing and Strengthening HIV Care and Support Services for Adolescents

This handbook has been written for practitioners working directly with children and adolescents living with HIV and for policy makers and management to help develop services and protocols. To that end, it includes policy and practice guidance for the development of services, practice models and practical examples. The global experience of HIV offers many shared elements and this handbook reflects these, setting out practical guidance and tools that can be used in different settings.