Fact Sheet on Lopinavir and Ritonavir (LPV/R) Oral Pellets

In response to a longstanding demand for a heat-stable and easy to administer formulation of ritonavir boosted lopinavir (LPV/r) for infants and young children, a new formulation in pellet form is now available.

This fact sheet provides simplified information to facilitate proper dosing and administration of lopinavir and ritonavir 40mg/10mg oral pellets.

On the Fast-Track to an AIDS-Free Generation

This report presents the final results of the Global Plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive. It summarizes country progress from 2009 to 2015. Entitled “On the Fast-track to an AIDS-Free Generation”, the report also highlights programmatic interventions undertaken at the country, regional and global levels. The end of the Global Plan heralds the new effort to stop pediatric AIDS, Start Free Stay Free AIDS Free, which was launched in 2016.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness for High HIV Settings

The IMCI chart booklet is for use by doctors, nurses and other health professionals who see young infants and children less than five years old. It facilitates the use of the IMCI case management process in practice and describes a series of all the case management steps in a form of IMCI charts. 

These charts show the sequence of steps and provide information for performing them. The IMCI chart booklet should be used by all health professionals providing care to sick children to help them apply the IMCI case management guidelines. Health professionals should always use the chart booklet for easy reference. 

The chart booklet is divided into two main parts because clinical signs in sick young infants (up to 2 months) and older children (2 months to 5 years) are somewhat different and because case management procedures also differ between these age groups.

What's New in Early Infant Diagnosis

In 2014, only 50% of all HIV-exposed infants were tested by the second month of age. Innovative approaches such as use of assays at the point-of care and adding virological testing at birth could speed up identification and ART initiation. Operational research to fully inform how to implement such innovations remains critical.

Get on the Fast-Track: The Life-Cycle Approach to HIV

In this report, UNAIDS is announcing that 18.2 million people now have access to HIV treatment. The Fast-Track response is working. Increasing treatment coverage is reducing AIDS-related deaths among adults and children. But the life-cycle approach has to include more than just treatment. Tuberculosis (TB) remains among the commonest causes of illness and death among people living with HIV of all ages, causing about one third of AIDS-related deaths in 2015. These deaths could and should have been prevented.

Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free

Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free initiative aims to galvanize global momentum around a shared and ambitious agenda to build on the progress achieved under the Global Plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive. The Global Plan resulted in remarkable progress, reducing new HIV infections among children by 60% in 21 of the most affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet the job is far from done. In 2015, 150,000 [110,000–190,000] children became newly infected with HIV globally, 110,000 [78,000–150,000] of whom lived in the 21 Global Plan priority countries.