Meaningful adolescent and youth engagement and partnership in sexual and reproductive health programming: A strategic planning guide
A Strategic Planning Guide
Ujana Salama: Cash Plus Round 3 Research
Ujana Salama leverages impacts of the PSSN with complementary interventions, including training and linkages to services.The aim of these interventions is to facilitate safe, healthy and productive transitions to adulthood while strengthening local government capacity and services related to adolescent health, livelihoods and social protection.
Cash-Plus: Round 3 Report
Provides findings from the impact evaluation of Ujana Salama. This impact evaluation is a 26-month, mixed-methods study aimed at providing evidence on the potential for an additional plus component targeted to youth layered on top of a government cash transfer programme to improve youths’ future economic opportunities and facilitate safe transitions to adulthood.
Ujana Salama:Cash Plus Midline Findings
Tanzania’s pilot Cash Plus Model on Youth Well-being and Safe, Healthy Transitions, or “Ujana Salama” (‘Safe Youth’ in Swahili), aims to improve the lives of young people in rural areas.These adolescents are extremely poor and face multiple health and economic risks.