CSWG Policy Brief: Sensitizing health workers to providing responsive care for adolescents and young people living with HIV

The 95-95-95 targets will only be achieved with zero discrimination, including within healthcare settings. Health worker attitudes, including those of professional and lay providers, are essential in establishing the culture of a health service. Protecting confidentiality and treating adolescents and young people living with HIV (AYPLHIV) with respect are key elements of adolescent and youth-friendly health services (AYFHS). However, AYPLHIV report stigmatizing and unsupportive health worker practices, including imposed moral values, discrimination, shame and scolding and violations of confidentiality. To ensure health workers are equipped to deliver appropriate services, training and sensitization are required. While the importance of sensitization is increasingly acknowledged, a gap remains in documented interventions and models.

This is part of a series of 12 policy briefs by the Child Survival Working Group on scaling up key interventions for children and adolescents living with HIV. Learn more

All In in ESA: Catalysing the HIV Response for Adolescents

Building on the collaborative effort that resulted in tremendous progress in scaling up lifesaving anti-retroviral treatment and preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa region (ESAR), UNAIDS and UNICEF launched a campaign titled All In to End Adolescent AIDS (All In) in 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya.

This report highlights how All In mobilized partners, engaged adolescents and young people and influenced policies and programmes in the 14 high-burden HIV countries in ESAR. The report documents the progress made in a few short years on adolescent HIV, and offers suggestions and recommendations on how to strengthen strategic information, apply evidence-based programming and mobilize resources for adolescents in the HIV response. 

Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls (2015)

The Population Council and partners developed this toolkit to help build relevant, tailored and positive programmes for adolescent girls through the asset-building approach helps. The Building Assets Toolkit introduces policymakers and programme planners to this approach, offers resources and provides examples. Find additional content including customisable asset cards and worksheet here