Check your progress and involve youth from key populations
Are programmes achieving their goals? Do they truly serve the people they’re meant to reach? As implementers monitor progress and check quality, they must also engage adolescents and young people from key populations to hold programmes accountable.

This is a hands-on instruction manual for developing an outcome monitoring and evaluating plan that fits your organisation’s specific situation. The workbook demonstrates the six steps you need to measure the achievements of your organisation’s activities related to sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV prevention.
Etes-vous sur la bonne voie? Six etapes pour mesurer les effets de vos activites de programme
Rutgers International, Aidsfonds

This guide offers practical, ready-to-use advice and tools to collect and analyse data for monitoring peer outreach, clinical services, and support programs for key populations. It contains examples of tools and forms from around the world that may support efforts in monitoring programs and services and describes issues that should be considered when using these tools.
FHI 360 LINKAGES, 2016

This short report discusses existing measures of quality for HIV programmes for men who have sex with men and transgender people, at the level of the provider, the organisation, and the health system. It highlights gaps, and suggests future directions for improving quality indicators. Measure Evaluation, 2018

This is a guide of nearly 50 tools and other development-oriented materials that are free and readily available, such as training curricula and web-based toolkits. It is designed to build the capacity of HIV programmes in information management, especially health information systems and monitoring and evaluation systems.
Measure Evaluation, 2017

This guide is designed to help government and civil society implementers in Viet Nam construct, present, interpret and use HIV cascades for the continuum of prevention and care. The document outlines 1) recommended indicators for the standardized construction cascades, 2) simple steps to follow during the cascade generation process, 3) presentation guidelines for illustrating cascade performance by different variables, and 4) tips to help implementers effectively interpret and use HIV cascades.
FHI 360 LINKAGES, 2014

A reference guide for implementing agencies, with tools to capture standardized data on programmes for key populations in the Kenya HIV prevention programme. The tools cover outreach, clinical services and project-level data.
NASCOP, 2014

Supplemental materials
These are guidelines and tools for the design and implementation of bio-behavioural surveys of HIV prevalence in key populations. They standardize the conduct of BBS permit comparisons between—as well as within—countries over time. For a range of supplemental tools, including questionnaires, budget calculators and timelines, click on the Working Group's title above.
Global HIV Strategic Information Working Group , 2017

Supplemental materials
This is a set of tools to make the planning and implementation of biobehavioural surveys—and the provision of results—efficient and prompt. The tools—downloadable from this website—include technical considerations; a priority results table; a budget template; and a collection of guidelines, forms and checklists for surveys.
PEPFAR, 2018<

Supplemental materials
This document provides guidance on monitoring and evaluating implementation of the comprehensive package of interventions to address HIV among key populations. The framework helps plan and assess progress at the national and subnational levels. It includes a set of harmonized indicators, and guidance on setting targets for them.
WHO, 2015

These documents provide detailed guidance on monitoring and evaluation of HIV prevention programmes, methods to estimate indicators, and generic forms for collecting data.
UNAIDS, Measure Evaluation, UNFPA, PEPFAR, UNDP, Global Fund, ICASO, 2013

National & subnational level - Service delivery level - Tools & annexes
These documents provide detailed guidance on monitoring and evaluation of HIV prevention programmes, methods to estimate indicators, and generic forms for collecting data.
UNAIDS, 2013 UNAIDS, 2011

This tool facilitates a structured discussion among healthcare staff, clinics or other service- providers, and young members of key populations regarding how welcome and friendly a service setting is—and how to improve it. A facilitator's guide and worksheets show how to prepare for and lead a discussion on the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of services.
Jumping Hurdles - Facilitator's Guide
Jumping Hurdles - Facilitation tool
Youth Voices Count, 2016

This is a handbook and facilitator's guide for involving young people in monitoring and evaluation of the programmes that serve them. The introductory document includes guidelines to create conditions for successful youth participation.
A toolkit for involving young people as researchers in sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes
Monitoring and evaluation and research in SRHR programmes for young people - Training manual
Monitoring and evaluation and research in SRHR programmes for young people - Handbook
Rutgers International, IPPF, 2013

This document illustrates a two-year, peer-led "secret client" programme that encouraged young people to seek HIV testing and to report back on the quality of services in order to make service delivery more youth-friendly.
Participatory advocacy to promote the quality of HIV testing services for young people in China
Participatory advocacy to promote the quality of HIV testing services for young people in China - Guidelines
Participatory advocacy to promote the quality of HIV testing services for young people in China - Quality assessment questionnaire
Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control, 2017