Type Title Author Comments Last updated
ayKP Library Organizational capacity assessment tool (OCAT) admin 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Collecting and reporting of sex- and age-disaggregated data on adolescents at the sub-national level jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Ensuring inclusion of adolescent key populations at higher risk of HIV exposure: Recommendations for conducting biological behavioral surveillance surveys jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Transitions study (Ukraine) exploring early HIV risk among adolescent girls, young women and young female sex workers jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Transitions study (Kenya) exploring early HIV risk among adolescent girls, young women and young female sex workers jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Briefings on HIV among adolescent key populations in South-East Asia jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Young key populations at higher risk of HIV in Asia and the Pacific: Making the case with strategic information jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Training module on work with public officials on human rights and combating stigma and discrimination against gay men, other MSM and trans people jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Training manual for law enforcement officials on HIV service provision for people who inject drugs jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Training toolkit on MSM programming for the MENA region jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Training of trainers: Sensitizing service providers [on the needs and rights of minors selling sex] jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Confronting discrimination: Overcoming HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings and beyond jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Health4All: Training health workers for the provision of quality, stigma-free HIV services for key populations jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Violence prevention and response for men who have sex with men jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Violence prevention and response for female sex workers jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Guidelines in the establishment and management of a referral system on violence against women at the local government unit level jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Preventing and responding to violence against children and adolescents: Theory of change jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Deliver+Enable toolkit: Scaling up comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Sexual and reproductive health and rights, and HIV 101 workshop guide: A guide to facilitating a workshop on linking up HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights with young key populations jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Safety and security toolkit: Strengthening the implementation of HIV programs for and with key populations jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Learning site: Micro planning tools jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Third national behavioural assessment of key populations in Kenya: Polling booth survey report admin 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library Gender analysis toolkit for key population HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago
ayKP Library [Network mapping:] Approach to female sex worker enrolment and dropout jbaer66 0 5 years 9 months ago