Manage finances and strengthen your organization
Expanding HIV prevention programmes requires sufficient funds, skilled people, and strong organisations that can implement well. It is equally important that young people are empowered to participate and have a say in decisions on programme planning and budgeting.

This statistical reference manual provides a comprehensive description of the financial flows in health care. It provides a set of classifications of health care functions, a list of providers of healthcare goods and services, and financing schemes. The SHA 2011 tracks all health spending in a given country and generates consistent and comprehensive data on health spending. It can also be used as a monitoring and evaluation tool. The WHO web page includes links to the SHA 2011 manual, and to guideline documents for its implementation.

This document sets out the rationale and action areas for UNICEF's activities to foster the best possible use of public budgets to improve child outcomes.
UNICEF, 2017

This publication presents 13 initiatives from around the world that involve the measurement of child-focused public expenditure - to inform the development of a global framework to measure and report on public financial inputs.
UNICEF, 2016

(Measuring expenditures on AIDS in Argentina: Public and international sources 2006-2009)
These are results from a study of expenditures on AIDS within the Argentine health system. The document describes the criteria used for estimating, categorizing, and assigning the amounts for specific initiatives related to HIV prevention and care. It also details the principal limitations of the methodology and highlights possible activities to take forward the previous studies.

The organisational capacity assessment tool (OCAT) can be used to develop baseline and periodic capacity assessments of an organisation, helping users to measure how an organisation's capacity changes over time. It consists of an Excel tool and a user guide (the tool is also available in French). Although these were developed for use in southern Africa, they are relevant to other contexts.
OCAT user guide
Management Sciences for Health, 2013

This guide presents principles, minimum standards, and best practices for efficient, effective, and sustainable organisations. The 10 chapters are standalone modules covering the key functional areas of most organisations. The chapters can be downloaded individually from the website.

This is a collection of tools and guidelines for policymakers, programme managers, and human resources staff for planning and developing human resources for HIV/AIDS programmes.
Management Sciences for Health, 2006

These two tools explain what a budget is, why it's important, and how to make and monitor a budget. They also explain and assess basic accounting practices.
Budgeting basics
Assessing basic accounting practices
Bases de la budgetisation
Evaluer les pratiques fondamentales en matiere de comptabilite
Orcamento basico
Avaliacao de praticas basicas de contabilidade
Pathfinder International, 2013

These three tools describe and explain the basics of a) workplanning, b) practical management assessment, and c) practical governance assessment, with worksheets and checklists. French and Portuguese translations are available on Pathfinder International's website.
Practical management assessment
Practical governance assessment
Pathfinder International, 2014

This toolkit discusses the concepts behind resource mobilisation and offers templates and tips for young women, girls, and trans youth to map networks and grant prospects. It also explains how young people can use their own stories to mobilise resources.
FRIDA/The Young Feminist Fund, 2017

Explores the key considerations for UNICEF country office staff when supporting child participation in local governance, with a focus on participation in local government structures and processes.
UNICEF, 2018

Case studies from Nepal, Belize, Turkey and Ethiopia.
UNICEF, 2015

A training handbook for governance orientation and education for leaders and officials who govern health centres.
Management Sciences for Health, 2014

This brief describes the results and lessons learned from implementing U-Report in Zambia. U-Report is a mobile-enabled youth engagement platform which provides real-time counselling and conducts polls on HIV among adolescents and young people, in order to increase knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and use of HIV prevention services. More information is available from the U-Report website.
mHealth Compendium, 2016

TeenGen is a training course offered by Youth LEAD for adolescent members of key populations (aged 13-17) in Asia and the Pacific. It aims to build their knowledge and skills of adolescent key populations on HIV, leadership, and human rights.
Youth LEAD

Guidance for programme designers, implementers, policy and decision-makers. It discusses the principles of meaningful collaboration, recommendations for engaging with adolescents, and offers case studies of meaningful youth participation.
Youth Voices Count, UNAIDS, 2016

Examples of 10 strategies, drawn from different countries, are given in various areas of meaningful youth engagement for sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV integration. These can be adapted and applied to any level of decision-making and programming. A scorecard is also provided. A video on the strategies is available on the Alliance website.
Aiming high: 10 strategies for meaningful youth engagement
Aiming high: Accountability scorecard
Viser plus haut: 10 strategies pour une participation significative des jeunes
Viser plus haut: tableau d'evaluation de la responsibilisation
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2016

A one-page flier listing the rights and responsibilities of adolescents with regard to health services.
Peer To Peer Uganda, 2015

Offers activities and resources for young women who sell sex on prevention of HIV, living positively with HIV, building life skills, strengthening self-confidence and social networks, and learning to see and access relevant health and social services.
Centre for Sexual Health, HIV and AIDS Research (CeSHHAR), Zimbabwe, 2016