

Ending the AIDS Epidemic Among Young People in the Middle East and North Africa: Report Launch

Thursday, 30 May 2024 8:00–9:30 AM EST

This webinar launched the new advocacy report, Ending the AIDS Epidemic Among Young People in the Middle East and North Africa, developed by UNICEF's Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa together with partners.

With an overall HIV burden that is comparatively low, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has a big opportunity to become the first region to end AIDS as a public health threat. Yet, annual new HIV infections in MENA have increased by 55 per cent since 2015, the steepest rise in the world, with almost 20 per cent of those infections being in young people aged 15–24 years. The webinar presented new data on adolescent and young key populations in MENA and shed light on persistent data gaps, which are detailed in the report. It also discussed access to services for young people in the region, including those from key populations, from a primary health care and community-based perspective. Finally, it concluded with reflections on how to respond to their needs moving forward.

The presentation slides are available for download below.