2023 Global and Regional Snapshots on HIV and AIDS: Progress and priorities for children, adolescents and pregnant women

UNICEF's annual global and regional epidemiological and response snapshots of Eastern and Southern Africa, West and Central Africa, and the Middle East and North Africa, based on the UNAIDS 2023 HIV estimates.

The snapshots describe where we are in terms of vertical transmission, the treatment gap, and the impact on adolescents.

Leveraging the Learning from HIV Programming for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Girls

This brief, the first in UNICEF's new Leveraging the Learning series, sets out to leverage the learnings from holistic, integrated, multisectoral, and age- and gender-responsive approaches to respond to and reduce early and adolescent pregnancy, support young mothers, and improve health and well-being outcomes for adolescent girls and their children. 

Highlighting promising practices for pregnant adolescents living with HIV, the report is relevant for efforts to support all pregnant adolescent girls, regardless of their HIV status.

Global Annual Results Report 2022: Goal Area 1


UNICEF continues to play a critical role in driving progress toward the end of HIV and AIDS among children, adolescents and pregnant women. In 2022, together with partners across sectors, UNICEF advanced the quality and scope of programming for HIV prevention, treatment and care while mitigating the impact of challenges – such as COVID-19 – to the availability of and access to HIV services. 

UNICEF’s HIV programme is guided by the UNICEF Strategic Plan for 2022–2025. The 2022 Global Annual Results Report for Goal Area 1 presents results in fast-tracking the end of HIV and AIDS as well as the results for interconnected programmes in health, nutrition, and early childhood development.


See an excerpt focused on HIV in the following viewer and download the full 2022 Global Annual Results Report: Goal Area 1 document below.



To learn more about UNICEF’s HIV programme, visit www.unicef.org/hiv.

2022 World AIDS Day

UNICEF's 2022 World AIDS Day report provides global and regional statistical updates on children, adolescents and pregnant women. It provides seven calls to action to equalize progress for children, adolescents and pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV and summarizes trends, gaps and successes in the global HIV response.

Flip through the 2022 World AIDS Day Breakthrough Partnership Spotlight Report, which highlights the Breakthrough Partnership in Uganda to support children and adolescents living with and at risk of HIV, unveiling powerful stories from the field from partners and youth champions.

The Global Alliance to end AIDS in Children Framework

An end to AIDS in children, achieved through a strong, strategic, and action-oriented alliance of multisectoral stakeholders at national, regional, and global levels that works with women children and adolescents living with HIV, national governments, and partners to mobilize leadership, funding, and action to end AIDS in children by 2030.