Supportive laws and policies help protect adolescent and young members of key populations. There are many tools to mobilize and support them in advocating for their rights, for positive change and to fight stigma, discrimination and violence.

Recommendations on removing punitive legislation and promoting enabling laws, policies and practices that facilitate inclusive, rights-based, evidence-informed and effective/efficient responses to HIV. The 2018 supplement highlights developments globally in the six years since the publication of the original report, taking into account the context of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
HIV and the Law - Risks, rights and health 2012
HIV and the Law - Risks, rights and health SUPPLEMENT 2018
HIV and the Law - Risques, droit et sante
HIV and the Law - Riscos, direitos e saude
HIV and the Law - Риски, права и здоровье
HIV and the Law - Riesgos, direchos y salud
Global Commission on HIV and the Law, 2018

This working paper explores age-related legal provisions for children, adolescents and youth in 22 countries and across more than 70 domains. It discusses the foundational principles of minimum age legislation, beginning with the principle of non-discrimination, followed by the best interests of the child, the notions of protection and autonomy, and respect for the views of the child and evolving capacities.
UNICEF, 2016

The study aims to support the capacity of UNICEF and its partners to advocate for legal minimum ages that guarantee adolescents’ rights, in particular their protection against all forms of violence and their development to their full potential. The analysis concentrates on legislative provisions concerning minimum ages - including for marriage, sexual consent, and medical consent (without parental consent) - and how these play out in the broader context.
UNICEF, 2016

This study reviews the laws, policies and related frameworks in 23 countries in East and Southern Africa that create impediments to, or an enabling environment for, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. It presents a harmonized regional legal framework, translating international and regional legal provisions into useful strategies.
UNFPA, 2017

This video explains four legal models for sex work in a short and accessible format, as a resource for advocacy and training.
SWEAT, 2017

Models of decriminalization vary widely. This e-tool makes it possible to compare them side by side, mapping out how they work in practice, describing their legal framework, the role of the police (if any), the judicial or administrative process, the applicable sanction (if any), and examples of countries illustrating each model.

The Model Drug Law contains legislative provisions and commentary incorporating the obligations of the three UN drug control treaties. It also takes into account the outcomes and commitments from the 2016 UNGASS on the world problem, and the ECOWAS Drug Action Plan to Address Illicit Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime and Drug Abuse in West Africa (2016-2020), as well as existing evidence of effectiveness, the need for greater harmonisation of drug laws in the region, and the current gaps in legislation.
Loi type sur les drogues pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest
West African Commission on Drugs, 2018

Describes the rationale, legal basis and a detailed management flowchart for authorizing some service-providers to give proxy consent for minors to receive HIV counselling and testing, in the absence of parental consent.
Council for the Welfare of Children, 2018

A toolkit for building the capacity of civil society organizations to engage with and influence drug policymaking processes. It covers drug policy, civil society advocacy and harm reduction, with 10 individual modules and accompanying slides that can be downloaded from the website. An adaptation of the toolkit for West Africa, in French, is also available from the IDPC website.
IDPC, EHRN, 2013

These four concise tools explain and provide practical steps for: a) Identifying and prioritizing behavior change needs, b) Assessing partner capacity for behavior change activities, c) Evaluating behavior change activities, and d) evaluating IEC materials. The tools are also available in French and Portuguese on Pathfinder International's website.
Identifying and prioritizing behavior change needs
Assessing partner capacity for behavior change activities
Evaluation of behavior change activities
Evaluation of IEC materials
Pathfinder International, 2011

A brief guide to audience analysis.
HC3, 2013

This short document articulates social and behaviour change communications activities that should be included in proposals for funding to the Global Fund.

This is the second part of a web-based implementation kit for social and behaviour change (SBCC) campaigns on sexual and reproductive health with urban adolescents. It covers seven elements of SBCC campaigns, with step-by-step guides, resources, and worksheets for creating a campaign. A French version is also available from the same website.
HC3, 2016

A short step-by-step guide to defining and creating high-quality indicators for social and behaviour change communication.

A set of six policy briefs produced by young people and aimed at policymakers, with information on the main legal and policy barriers that young people face to access HIV and other sexual and reproductive health services. It explains how harmful laws and policies can affect their health and jeopardize the realization of rights, and lays out recommendations for more enabling policies.
Age of consent and adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights
Legislative reform and adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive rights
Spousal consent to HIV services and sexual and reproductive health services and rights
Comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health
Adolescent and youth access to harm reduction services
Adolescent and youth participation in decision-making processes that impact their health
The PACT, Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network, 2018

This toolkit provides information and guidance for young people to become expert leaders on advocacy for sexual and reproductive health and rights. It introduces key concepts and rights, explains how to investigate the status of SRHR in one's own community and country, and how to develop an advocacy strategy for change.
Women Deliver, 2015

A handbook to help young people aged 15-24 understand better the statistics around HIV issues. It is intended particularly for adolescent and young peer educators, young advocates and young people involved in HIV programming for young people from key populations. The handbook uses a comic-book format; the characters are teenagers who have conversations about understanding statistics, especially as they relate to data on HIV.
UNICEF, 2016

A brief outline of the UNAIDS action plan for eliminating discrimination in health-care settings, together with six measures of a zero-discrimination environment.
UNAIDS, 2016

These three concise tools explain and provide practical steps for setting advocacy priorities, assessing the political environment, and mapping an advocacy strategy. The tools are also available in French and Portuguese on Pathfinder International's website.
Setting advocacy priorities
Assessing the political environment for advocacy
Mapping an advocacy strategy
Pathfinder International, 2011

A practical toolkit for young people who want to advance HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights through national advocacy in the post-2015 agenda. It offers a series of step-by-step modules to help young advocates (and their adult allies) build an effective strategy to influence decision-makers.
ACT! 2015 - Boite à outils de la strategie de plaidoyer
ACT! 2015 - Практическое пособие для разработки и реализации адвокативной стратегии
The PACT, 2014

Guidance on how young advocates can use the 2018 International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education to do effective advocacy in their own communities. The toolkit includes template letters to government representatives or schools, as well as conversation starters and a quiz on sexuality education topics.
Youth advocates, act! A handbook (ARABIC)
Jeunes defenseurs, agissez! Manuel
Promotores juveniles, actuen! Un manual
IPPF, 2018

A step-by-step guide to planning and implementing an advocacy campaign for policy changes regarding the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people from key populations. The guide explains concepts, details the activities that are involved in advocacy, and lists additional resources.
AMSHeR, 2018

This toolkit contains information, ideas and resources to help sex-worker rights collectives, organizations and activists carry out advocacy and activism to influence or challenge policy or legislation on the "Swedish model" of criminalizing the clients of sex workers. Ten worksheets are included, as well as templates for activities.
ICRSE, 2016