Changing gears: A guide to effective HIV service programming for gay men and other men who have sex with men in Asia Changing gears - A guide to effective HIV service programming for gay men and other men who have sex with men in Asia.pdf
The people living with HIV stigma index: User guide The people living with HIV stigma index - User guide.pdf The people living with HIV stigma index - User guide ARABIC.pdf Index de stigmatisation et discrimination envers les personnes vivant avec le VIH - Guide de l'utilisateur.pdf Índice do estigma de pessoas vivendo com HIV - Guia do utilizador.pdf ИНДЕКС СТИГМATИЗАЦИИ ЛЮДЕЙ, ЖИВУЩИХ С ВИЧ – РУКОВОДСТВО ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ.pdf El indice de estigma en personas que viven con VIH - Guia del usuario.pdf
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Rapid assessment check list: Analysis of plans & systems for delivering effective HIV prevention Rapid assessment check list.pdf Rapid assessment check list - Annex.pdf
Collecting and reporting of sex- and age-disaggregated data on adolescents at the sub-national level Collecting and reporting of sex- and age-disaggregated data on adolescents at the sub-national level.pdf
Ensuring inclusion of adolescent key populations at higher risk of HIV exposure: Recommendations for conducting biological behavioral surveillance surveys Ensuring inclusion of adolescent key populations at higher risk of HIV exposure - Recommendations for conducting biological behavioral surveillance surveys.pdf
Geographic mapping of most at risk populations for HIV in Kenya Geographic mapping of most at risk populations for HIV in Kenya.pdf